Process Mining
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Sep 17, 2024

November 2023

November 28, 2023


Marker files no longer supported

Data extractors can now only be used with the End of upload API call to end their extraction. Before, you could upload a marker file to signal that your extraction was finished. That setup is not supported anymore, as now you should end with an API call.

Configuration settings for loading input data no longer supported

The AddRawTablePostfix and StripSpecialCharacters settings in the settings.json file are no longer supported and cannot be used anymore to switch existing process apps to the data loading behavior that was introduced in March 2023.

When uploading data, always make sure that the input data is in the required format for the app template that you use to create the process app. See App Templates.

If the settings.json file of your process app still contains these settings, you can safely remove them since they are not used anymore.


Process graphs

The Details slider is in the process graph now labeled as Variants slider.

November 15, 2023

What is new

Automation Log Monitor template

The Automation Log Monitor template is now available. See App templates.

Automation Log Monitor is helping you to get your automations to the next level. Analyze, uncover bottlenecks and improve your automations through process mining. Automation Log Monitor is using automation robot logs and is coming with 2 predefined dashboards. See Automation Log Monitor.

New app template available

The following app template is now available:
  • Oracle E-Business Suite Purchase-to-Pay

November 1, 2023


Event log and Custom process app templates

The app templates TemplateOne-SingleFile and TemplateOne-MultiFiles have been renamed to have easy to understand names, that describe their use.
  • The TemplateOne-SingleFile app template is now named Event log.

  • The TemplateOne-MultiFiles app template is now named Custom process.

Resizing charts and columns

As a business user, when you resize charts or columns in a dashboard, the new browser state is now saved and automatically applied the next time when you open the dashboard.

  • November 28, 2023
  • Important
  • Improvements
  • November 15, 2023
  • What is new
  • November 1, 2023
  • Improvements

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