- Release notes
- Before you begin
- Getting started
- Integrations
- Working with process apps
- Working with dashboards and charts
- Working with process graphs
- Working with Discover process models and Import BPMN models
- Showing or hiding the menu
- Context information
- Export
- Filters
- Sending automation ideas to UiPath® Automation Hub
- Tags
- Due dates
- Compare
- Conformance checking
- Root cause analysis
- Simulating automation potential
- Starting a Task Mining project from Process Mining
- Triggering an automation from a process app
- Viewing Process data
- Creating apps
- Loading data
- Transforming data
- Customizing process apps
- Publishing process apps
- App templates
- Additional resources

Process Mining
The Export as .png option is available in dashboard charts and process graphs. Follow these steps to export a chart.
- Go to the chart, or process graph, you want to export.
- Select Export -> Export as .png from the menu.
file to your computer. The exported .PNG
file contains an image of the chart or process graph as displayed.
The Export as .csv option is available in dashboard charts. The .CSV (comma-separated values) format makes data easy to manipulate or import into third-party visualization tools, databases, or spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel for review or further analysis.
Export as .csv allows you to export up to 1 Million rows.
Export to .csv is not available for process graphs and distribution charts.
- Go to the chart you want to export.
- Select Export -> Export as .csv from the menu. A notification message is displayed to indicate that the export has started.
- When the export is ready, you will get a notification message with a link to the exported file. Select the Notifications icon in the upper-right corner of the dashboard to open the Notifications panel.
- Select the message that indicates that your chart data export download is is ready.
The exported .CSV file is downloaded to your computer. It contains all the data rows used in the chart.
To receive a notification message with the download link in the Notifications panel, in-app notifications must be enabled for Process Mining. Usually this is taken care of during tenant creation.
If you do not receive a notification message for the download or the Notifications panel is not available, in-app notifications must me be enabled for Process Mining. In this case, it can take up to two hours for the Notifications panel to become available.
You can manage your notifications using the My Notification view on the Notifications settings page. You access the Notifications settings page through the Notification settings icon on the Notifications panel or the Preferences menu option from your user account menu. Visit Notification settings to learn more.
You can export a process graph as a Business Process Model Notation (BPMN) 2.0 file. You can import the file in a BPMN modeler, for example BPMN.iO.
Follow these steps to export a process graph as a BPMN 2.0 diagram.
Go to the process graph you want to export as BPMN.
Select Export -> Export as BPMN 2.0 diagram.