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Process Mining

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Feb 28, 2025

Due dates dashboard

The Due dates dashboard allows you to analyze how often tasks were completed on time or late. This can provide insights into the process efficiency and it can highlight potential bottlenecks or areas for improvement.


The following table describes the KPIs that are displayed on the Due dates dashboard.



Late tasks

The number of tasks overdue.

Action Center tasks and Queue items trend

The Trend chart allows you to monitor trends and patterns for the completion time for Action Center tasks and Queue items based on their specific creation time.

You can select a different metric from the selector to display the chart based on a different metric.

The following table describes the available metrics for Action Center tasks.




Number of Action Center tasks

The number of Action Center tasks.

Task due dates

Late tasks

The number of Action Center tasks that are overdue.

Task due dates

On time

The number of Action Center tasks that were on time.

Task due dates

Avg. time late

The average time late for Action Center tasks that were overdue.

Task due dates

Total time late

The total time late for Action Center tasks that were overdue.

Task due dates

The following table describes the available metrics for Queue items.




Number of queue items

The number of queue items.

Queue item due dates

Late queue items

The number of queue items that are overdue.

Queue item due dates

On time

The number of queue items that were on time.

Queue item due dates

Avg. time late

The average time late for queue items that were overdue.

Queue item due dates

Total time late

The total time late for queue items that were overdue.

Queue item due dates

Difference from due date

The Difference from due date chart displays the time difference between the scheduled due dates and the actual completion dates.

Action Center tasks

The Action Center tasks tab displays the time difference between the scheduled due dates and the actual completion dates of Action Center tasks.

Queue items

The Queue items tab displays the time difference between the scheduled due dates and the actual completion dates of Queue items.

Number of Action Center tasks and Queue items

Action Center tasks

The Action Center tasks bar chart displays the number of Action Center tasks for the different due dates.

Queue items

The Queue items bar chart displays the number of Queue items for the different due dates.

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