Process Mining
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Sep 17, 2024

November 2021 - General Availability

Release Date: November 22, 2021

Process Mining is now also available in Automation Cloud™. With Process Mining you can discover, automate, and monitor your end-to-end business processes. It transforms data from your IT systems into visual interactive dashboards, allowing you to identify inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and non-conformance, as well as understanding the root-causes and possible risks. Process Mining enables all levels of the organization to understand business processes and to discover process improvement opportunities, including but not limited to Automation.


Create new process apps

Create new process apps from scratch or based on pre-defined discovery accelerators.

Purchase-to-Pay Discovery Accelerator

The Purchase-to-Pay Discovery Accelerator gives process owners, business users and RPA teams the capacity to discover automation potential and to fast-track process improvement initiatives by monitoring KPIs in the Purchase-to-Pay process.

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After creating a process app you can upload data from .tsv files. For the Purchase-to-Pay Discovery Accelerator, you can use DataBridgeAgent to upload data directly from your SAP source system. See Uploading data.

Use the following link to download the DataBridgeAgent:

Manage access

The Admin Console module enables you to manage access by assigning roles to users or groups. The permissions model allows you to integrate all your employees using Process Mining based on your business requirements. See Setting up the users and Managing access for process apps.

Known issues and limitations

Page refresh after adding or removing roles

A refresh of the Process Mining portal page is needed to apply the changes for users who have been assigned new roles or revoked assigned roles. For example, a Business user who has additionally assigned Developer and/or Administrator rights, must refresh the Process Mining portal page to see the Admin Console tab.

Similarly, any functions that cannot be used anymore after a role has been revoked may still be visible, until the Process Mining portal page is refreshed.


Process Mining Automation Cloud™ can be used with all locales available in Automation Cloud™. Currently, translations are available only for the Process Mining portal. The translated versions of the Purchase-to-Pay Discovery Accelerator and the new process app are not available yet.

Note: In the Process Mining portal, data from editable fields, such as the name and description of process apps, and source data values may not be translated.

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