- Release notes
- Before you begin
- Getting started
- Integrations
- Working with process apps
- Working with dashboards and charts
- Working with process graphs
- Working with Discover process models and Import BPMN models
- Showing or hiding the menu
- Context information
- Export
- Filters
- Sending automation ideas to UiPath® Automation Hub
- Tags
- Due dates
- Compare
- Conformance checking
- Root cause analysis
- Simulating automation potential
- Starting a Task Mining project from Process Mining
- Triggering an automation from a process app
- Viewing Process data
- Creating apps
- Loading data
- Transforming data
- Customizing process apps
- Publishing process apps
- App templates
- Additional resources

Process Mining
May 2024
Dashboard editor
Dashboard charts
We enhanced labels and binning in line charts, which improves readability and understandability of the data displayed in the chart.
The time ("at 00:00") is no longer displayed in the labels for line charts, KPI line charts and, the timeframe filter, when all the time values in the chart are exactly "00:00".
Process-specific terminology for process apps
Instead of “Cases” you will now see the name of the case object, for example “Purchase order items”, in Conformance checking, Process filters, Root Cause Analysis, and other relevant places.
table in Data Manager to adapt it to your business needs.
Event log and Custom process app templates
Additional fields in your input tables will now be added automatically to your Process Mining app. No SQL changes are needed for this anymore.
New apps created with the latest Event log or Custom process app template will have this behavior.