Marketplace User Guide
Last updated Sep 5, 2024

Send BPM Message


This activity sends a message and (optionally) JSON data to a selected process, where they are caught by catch message event flow nodes (Start, intermediate, boundary or receive tasks) within that process.

When used within a connected Bonita Scope, all processes available in your Bonita portal are displayed.

Add a Message Name to the Send BPM Message activity that corresponds to Catch Message field within your Bonita process to bridge the two.



  • Process (String) - The process receiving the message.
  • MessageName (String) - The name of the message being sent. This allows processes to listen for specific messages.
  • MessageContent (String) - Data (as JSON) sent along with the message.


  • Private (Boolean) - If selected, the values of variables and arguments are no longer logged at Verbose level.
  • Properties
  • Input
  • Misc

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