Marketplace User Guide
Last updated Sep 5, 2024

Get Place Photo

The Get Place Photo activity gives you access to the millions of photos stored in the Places database. When you get place information using a Get Place Details activity, photo references will be returned for relevant photographic content. The Nearby Search and Find Place activities also return a single photo reference per place, when relevant. Using the Get Place Photo activity you can then access the referenced photos and resize the image to the optimal size for your application.



  • Photo Reference - a string used to identify the photo.

    Data Type: System.String

Example: An example of a photos[] array returned in the response of Find Place, Nearby search or Get Place Details is shown below.

"photos": [{
        "html_attributions": [],
        "height": 853,
        "width": 1280,
        "photo_reference": "CnRvAAAAwMpdHeWlXl-lH0vp7lez4znKPIWSWvgvZFISdKx45AwJVP1Qp37YOrH7sqHMJ8C-vBDC546decipPHchJhHZL94RcTUfPa1jWzo-rSHaTlbNtjh-N68RkcToUCuY9v2HNpo5mziqkir37WU8FJEqVBIQ4k938TI3e7bf8xq-uwDZcxoUbO_ZJzPxremiQurAYzCTwRhE_V0"
"photos": [{
        "html_attributions": [],
        "height": 853,
        "width": 1280,
        "photo_reference": "CnRvAAAAwMpdHeWlXl-lH0vp7lez4znKPIWSWvgvZFISdKx45AwJVP1Qp37YOrH7sqHMJ8C-vBDC546decipPHchJhHZL94RcTUfPa1jWzo-rSHaTlbNtjh-N68RkcToUCuY9v2HNpo5mziqkir37WU8FJEqVBIQ4k938TI3e7bf8xq-uwDZcxoUbO_ZJzPxremiQurAYzCTwRhE_V0"

We have to use the value of the key “photo_reference”

  • Max Height: Specifies the maximum desired height in pixels, of the image returned by the Place Photos service.

    Data Type: System.String

Example: “400”

  • Max Width: Specifies the maximum desired width in pixels, of the image returned by the Place Photos service.

    Data Type: System.String

Example: “300”


  • Folder Path: The path of the folder where image must be saved.

    Data Type: System.String

Example: “C:\Users\ashraya.hd\Documents\UiPath”

  • Image: The image in the form of System.Drawing.Image Data Type: System.Drawing.Image
  • Base64: The image in the form of base64 string.

    Data Type: System.String


  • DisplayName - The display name of the activity.


  • Private - If selected, the values of variables and arguments are no longer logged at Verbose level.

    For More info follow the link.

  • Properties
  • Input
  • Output
  • Common
  • Misc

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