Marketplace User Guide
Last updated Sep 5, 2024


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Node-RED is a programming tool for wiring together hardware devices, APIs and online services.

It provides a browser-based editor that makes it easy to wire together flows using the wide range of nodes in the palette that can be deployed to its runtime in a single click.

Node-RED is the bridge that connects UiPath to the digital world over. It offers Orchestrator in overdrive, allowing you to connect UiPath to environments such as Webhooks, Custom UIs, and IoT.

Node-RED can be used with the following nodes:


A configuration node that authenticates all calls made to Orchestrator and automatically refreshes API tokens when needed.


  • URL: The URL of your Orchestrator instance.
  • Tenant: Your tenant
  • Username: Your username
  • Password: Your password. This value is encrypted when the flow is saved.


  • User Key: The secret key that identifies your user.
  • Account: The logical name of your account at .
  • Tenant: The logical name of the tenant (AKA service) to which you want to connect. Each account may support multiple tenants
  • Client ID: The unique identifier of


The request node is a wrapper of the full Orchestrator API which allows any request to be made. This node is currently compatible with v2018.4 and can be used with Organizational Units (experimental feature). The following fields are required:

  • Login - The connection node used to authenticate all calls.
  • Category - The target Orchestrator element (such as Robots, Queues, Assets).
  • Action - The list of actions available in the selected category (such as Get All, Add to Queue, and Delete Asset).
  • Parameters (optional) - Input parameters for the specified action. These are formatted according to the Swagger guidelines.

Start Job

This is the convenience node that starts a job. The following fields are required:

  • Login - The connection node used to authenticate.
  • Process - The name and environment of the process to be run. If no environment is provided, the first one found to contain the selected process is used. Please note that input parameters are available when starting a Job as of v2018.3.
  • Execution Target - The robot scheme used to run the job. You can choose to run a job on a particular robot by its name, on all robots simultaneously, or to run the job a number of times, allocating the work to available robots. If an incorrect robot name is specified, jobs do not run. If a larger number of robots than are available is specified to run, the job runs on all robots.


    Complete Folder support will be added in the next version.

    To use Organization Units or Folders now, add the X-UIPATH-OrganizationUnitId parameter to the Request or Start Job nodes. Here is a sample flow that grabs the ID of the Organization Unit, saves it as a flow variable, and then uses it to get all Assets from Orchestrator. You can import this flow from the hamburger menu in the top right corner.

Output Messages

Output messages are delivered as raw JSON objects. They contain the response from each API call in the msg.payload object.

  • Connection
  • Request
  • Start Job
  • Output Messages

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