Marketplace User Guide
Last updated Sep 5, 2024

Development Guidelines

For more information related to the process of integrating with UiPath, please access the FAQ at this link.

With respect to development guidelines, please find below the standards for creating a custom activity for the UiPath platform. For reference, the current UiPath integrations are accessible here.

1. Naming

  • Activity packages should be named with one of the following formats:

    • Company.Product.Activities (e.g. UiPath.Orchestrator.Activities)
    • Company.Product.Feature.Activities (e.g. UiPath.Orchestrator.Webhooks.Activities)
  • The UiPath namespace is reserved for packages created by UiPath Inc. and may not be used by outside developers.
  • Scopes should include the company or product name (e.g. Use UiPath Scope instead of Application Scope).
  • The category in Studio's activity panel should be Company Name > Product Name > Feature Name (e.g. UiPath > Studio > Click).

2. Dependencies

  • Must be referenced in the Dependencies section of the NuGet package. This can be easily done in Nuget Package Explorer or in the packages.config file. In order to keep package sizes to a minimum, do not include dependency DLLs within the package itself unless necessary.

  • Use exact package versions (i.e. 1.0.6 not >1.0.6)

3. Icons

  • The package must have an icon.

    This may be done via Nuget Package Explorer or directly in the .nuspec file.

  • Each activity must have an icon.

See here for instructions on adding icons to your activities.

4. License

  • The package must contain a license and require acceptance of that license. Apache 2.0 is the default and can be found here.

    This may be done in Nuget Package Explorer or directly in the .nuspec file.

5. Descriptions

  • A summary description must be added to the package, either through Nuget Package Explorer or directly in the .nuspec file.

  • Each activity in the package must have a summary description. This may be added in the DesignerMetadata.cs file. See here for instructions on how to do so.

  • Each property / argument within an activity must have a description.

  • Descriptions on the fields of custom classes are useful as well, but not required.

6. Miscellaneous

  • The stable version of UiPath Studio at the time of release must be supported.
  • Internationalization is preferred, but not required.

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