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Last updated Sep 5, 2024

Personality Insights

The IBM Watson™ Personality Insights service uses linguistic analytics to infer--from potentially noisy digital communications such as email, texts, and social media posts--a profile of the author that reflects his/her personality characteristics.

This profile may include:

  1. Personality: Based on the Big Five taxonomy, the most widely used model for describing how a person engages with the world.
  2. Needs: Aspects of a product that are likely to resonate with a person.
  3. Values: Motivating factors that influence a person's decision making.
  4. Consumption Preferences: One's likelihood to pursue different products, services, and activities.
  5. Behavior: The distribution of the inferred content over the days of the week and the hours of the day.



  • DisplayName - The display name of the activity.


  • APIKey - The API key generated for your Personality Insights instance on IBM Cloud.
  • URL - The URL generated for your Personality Insights instance on IBM Cloud.


  • DataTable - Accepts a DataTable with columns Content, containing a snippet of text by the author, and Date, the Unix timestamp at which that Content was written. Since the input text is timestamped, the service outputs a timeline indicating how relevant the inferred profile is during each day of the week and each hour of day, giving insights, for example, into when a person is active on social media. Here is a sample input:



    Have you ever forgotten to check-in for your flight? Problem solved, your virtual assistant built with UiPath #RPA can help you.


    With 4,600% growth over the past 3 years, UiPath ranks 26th fastest growing company in North America on Deloitte’s 2018 Technology #Fast500.


  • GetConsumptionPreferences - If checked, detailed results for each category of consumption preferences will be output.
  • Text - The text to be analyzed. The Behavior output is null if this input is used.

    Important: Note that DataTable and Text represent the same input but in different formats. The two are mutually exclusive. To output a Behavior timeline, however, the DataTable input must be used.

    This activity can accept up to 20 MB of text. However, accuracy more or less levels off after 3000 words are analyzed, so only the first 250 KB are used (not counting HTML or JSON tags) and the rest is discarded.

    In English, 250 KB is about 50,000 words, which is 16x more than is really needed.


  • InLanguage - The language of the inputted text.
  • OutLanguage - The language in which the outputs are written.
  • Private - If selected, the values of variables and arguments are no longer logged at Verbose level.


  • Behavior - A Behavior object holding information on how relevant the inferred profile is each day of the week and each hour of the day. Relevance is indicated using a probability between 0 and 1.
    Behavior contains the following fields:
    • Monday (Double)
    • Tuesday (Double)
    • Wednesday (Double)
    • Thursday (Double)
    • Friday (Double)
    • Saturday (Double)
    • Sunday (Double)
    • Times (Double[ ]) - A 24-cell array containing a relevance score for each hour of the day.
  • ConsumptionPreferences - A ConsumptionPreferences object containing the author's likelihood to prefer different products, services, and activities. There are 40 consumption preferences divided into 8 categories, which can be found here.
    ConsumptionPreferences objects contain the following fields:
    • All (List<Preference>) - All 40 consumption preferences.
    • Music (List<Preference>)
    • Shopping (List<Preference>)
    • Movies (List<Preference>)
    • ReadingAndLearning (List<Preference>)
    • HealthAndActivity (List<Preference>)
    • Entrepreneurship (List<Preference>)
    • Environmental_Concern (List<Preference>)
    • Volunteering (List<Preference>)
      Preference objects contain the following fields:
    • Name (String) - A description of the preference (e.g. consumption_preferences_eat_out, indicating a likelihood to eat out frequently).
    • Category (String) - The name of the ConsumptionPreference to which this Preference belongs.
    • Confidence (Double) - Confidence that a preference truly applies to the author analyzed.
  • Needs - A Needs object indicating, at a high level, what qualities are likely to resonate with the author.
    Needs objects contain the following fields:
    • All (List<Trait>) - All traits relating to needs.
    • Excitement (Trait)
    • Harmony (Trait)
    • Curiosity (Trait)
    • Ideal (Trait)
    • Self_expression (Trait)
    • Liberty (Trait)
    • Love (Trait)
    • Practicality (Trait)
    • Stability (Trait)
    • Challenge (Trait)
    • Structure (Trait)
    • Closeness (Trait)
      Trait objects contain the following fields:
    • Name (String) - A description of the trait (e.g. Excitement, Structure)
    • Percentile (Double) - The relative importance of this trait to the author.
    • Significant (Boolean) - Whether or not this trait is sufficiently important in the author's profile.
  • Personality - A Personality object containing the author's Big Five profile, the most widely used model for describing how a person engages with the world.
    Personality objects contain the following fields:
    • All (List<Category>) - All Big Five categories relating to personality.
    • Agreeableness (Category) - One's tendency to be compassionate and cooperative toward others.
    • Conscientiousness (Category) - One's tendency to act in an organized or thoughtful way.
    • Extraversion (Category) - One's tendency to seek stimulation in the company of others.
    • Emotional_range (Category) - Also referred to as Neuroticism or Natural reactions, the extent to which one's emotions are sensitive to one's environment.
    • Openness (Category) - The extent to which one is open to experiencing a variety of activities.
      Category objects contain the following fields:
    • Name (String) - The common name of the category
    • Percentile (Double) - The relative dominance of this category in the author's personality.
    • Significant (Boolean) - Whether or not this category is sufficiently important in the author's profile.
    • Traits (List<Trait>) - A list of all traits associated with the category. Click each category name above to see a list of and descriptions of these traits.
  • Values - A Values object containing motivating factors that influence the author's decision-making.
    Values objects contain the following fields:
    • All (List<Trait>) - All traits relating to values.
    • Self_transcendence (Trait) - Show concern for the welfare and interests of others.
    • Conservation (Trait) - Emphasize self-restriction, order, and resistance to change.
    • Hedonism (Trait) - Seek pleasure and sensuous gratification for themselves.
    • Self_enhancement (Trait) - Seek personal success for themselves.
    • Open_to_change (Trait) - Emphasize independent action, thought, and feeling, as well as a readiness for new experiences.
  • Properties
  • Common
  • Credentials
  • Input
  • Misc
  • Output

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