Integration Service Activities
Last updated Sep 9, 2024

Search Contacts for an Account


Search for contacts by providing details such as email, company ID, company name, job title, and more.

Project compatibility

Windows | Cross-platform


  • Connection ID - The connection established in Integration Service. Access the dropdown menu to choose, add, or manage connections.

  • Contact ID - The ZoomInfo unique contact ID. This field supports Int64 type input.
  • Contact full name - The contact's full name. This field supports String type input.
  • Contact email address - The work email address for the contact, in format. This field supports String type input.
  • Parent company ID - The ZoomInfo company ID for parent company. This field supports Int64 type input.
  • Company name - You can use OR and NOT operators to include or exclude companies by name. For example, "Vodaphone OR Comcast NOT Verizon". This field supports String type input.
  • Company website - The URL to the company website in format.
  • Job tile - The contact title at current place of employment. Use OR to input multiple job titles. This field supportsString type input.
  • Executives only - Whether to return only executives. Boolean value.

Manage Properties

Use the Manage Properties wizard to configure or use any of the object's standard or custom fields. You can select fields to add them to the activity canvas. The added standard or custom fields are available in the Properties panel (in Studio Desktop) or under Show additional properties (in Studio Web).

Additional properties
  • Management level - The contact management level at current place of employment. Select one of the available options from the dropdown list: Board Members, C Level Execs, Directors, Managers, Non Managers, VP Level Execs.
  • Department - The contact department at current place of employment. Select one of the available options from the dropdown list: C-Suite, Engineering & Technical, Finance, Human Resources, Information Technology, Legal, Marketing, Medical & Health, Operations, Other, Sales.
  • Contacts - Automatically generated output variable.
  • Description
  • Project compatibility
  • Configuration

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