Integration Service Activities
Last updated Sep 9, 2024

Update Item


Uses the Full update an item - POST API to update an item in QuickBooks Online.

In the body of the activity

Click the Configure button to customize the activity properties listed below:

  • Item Id - The ID of the item.
  • Is Sparse Update - If True, all other fields will remain intact during the update. If False, all other fields will be removed and data loss may occur.
  • Sync Token - This is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time and acts like a version number for the record. As soon as an application modifies an object, its Sync Token is incremented.
  • Name - The name of the inventory item.
  • Item Type - The type of item to be updated. Valid values for this field are:

    • Inventory
    • NonInventory
    • Service
  • Income Account Id - The income account ID in QuickBooks Online.
  • Track Inventory Quantity On Hand - If this property is set to true, then * Quantity On Hand , Asset Account Id, Expense Account Id, and Inventory Start Date become mandatory.
  • Quantity On Hand - The quantity of the item available for selling. Mandatory only if Item Type is Inventory and Track Inventory Quantity On Hand is set to true.
  • Asset Account Id - The income account ID in QuickBooks Online. Mandatory only if Item Type is Inventory and Track Inventory Quantity On Hand is set to true.
  • Expense Account Id - The income account ID in QuickBooks Online, such as Cost of Goods Sold. Mandatory only if Item Type is Inventory and Track Inventory Quantity On Hand is set to true.
  • Inventory Start Date - The start date of inventory tracking in the format 2015-01-01. Mandatory only if Item Type is Inventory and Track Inventory Quantity On Hand is set to true.
  • Is Item Active - Set this property to true if the item is active.
  • Item Description - The description of the item.
  • Unite Price - The unit price of the item.
  • Item - Includes the item returned.


  • DisplayName - The display name of the activity. This field supports String type input.
  • Private - If selected, the values of variables and arguments are no longer logged at Verbose level.
  • ResponseStatus - The status of the request (success/failure information). Enter a ResponseStatus variable (UiPath.BAF.Models.ResponseStatus). The ResponseStatus object includes three properties that you can use in other activities.
    • Success - Boolean - Specifies whether the API request was successful.
    • ErrorCode - String - The response error if the API request is unsuccessful (Success=False).
    • Message - String - The error message.
  • In the body of the activity
  • Properties

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