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Integration Service Activities

Last updated Mar 4, 2025

Automated User Onboarding

Applications: Workday, Azure Active Directory

Description: Upon the creation of a new worker in Workday, the system initiates the onboarding process in Azure Active Directory. This enables the IT team to automate the provisioning of user accounts.

  1. Open Studio Web and create a new project. Make sure that in the New Project window, in the How to start the automation drop-down, Event based is selected.
  2. Add an Event Trigger activity and in the Event field, select Employee Created. Next, configure the activity as follows:
    1. Connect to your Workday account.
    2. Additional filters may be added to your automation, depending on your needs.
  3. Next, add a Workday: Get Record activity to your canvas, configure Select Object to Employees and Switch to Object View.
    1. For employeeID select the Output of the Event Trigger.

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  4. Next, add a Azure Active Directory: Create User activity to your project.
    1. Set up your Azure AD connection.
    2. For the Mail Nickname field, select the output of the Workday Get Record activity and choose Response > Personal_Data > Name_Data > Legal_Name_Data > Name_Detail_Data > First_Name.
    3. For the User Principal Name, since you need to concatenate two or more values, open the Expression Editor, and write “merge three strings”. The correct expression is automatically created.
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    4. Next, replace string1 and string2 with the Get Record outputs Response > Personal_Data > Name_Data > Legal_Name_Data > Name_Detail_Data > First_Name, and Response > Personal_Data > Name_Data > Legal_Name_Data > Name_Detail_Data > Last_Name, respectively.
    5. Add your company domain in the string3 position.
    6. For the Name property field, you can follow step d. again, concatenating two strings.
    7. Replace string1 and string2 with the Get Record outputs Response > Personal_Data > Name_Data > Legal_Name_Data > Name_Detail_Data > First_Name and Response > Personal_Data > Name_Data > Legal_Name_Data > Name_Detail_Data > Last_Name, respectively.
    8. Add the Initial Password.
    9. You can also optionally fill the Job Info and Identity property fields, according to your needs.
  5. Execute the workflow. The new employee is automatically onboarded in Azure Active Directory.

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