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Last updated Sep 2, 2024

Finding Application issues

Performing scans

You can find issues by running a Quick scan or a Full scan.

Quick scan vs. full scan

The Quick scan is a light-weight and fast way to scan for the most obvious issues. With the Quick scan, data and expressions (except for deprecated expressions) are ignored. A Quick scan will take up at the last two seconds.

The Full scan performs an in-depth evaluation of your application, covering expressions, actions etc. and may take up significantly more time.

Automatic scans

To help you to find errors fast, a quick scan is automatically started when you open your application. If any errors or deprecated functions are detected, the Tools panel opens, where you can check the issues.

When the Commit dialog is opened from within your application a full scan of your application is started in the background to help you to find any issues before you commit your application changes.

The results of the scan are displayed in the Full scan results pane in the Commit dialog. See illustration below.

Click on Go to issues… to open Issues pane in the Tools panel where you can check the issues found.

See illustration below.

Manually starting scans

From the Issues pane in the Tools panel, you can manually start a Quick scan or a Full scan.

Follow these steps to manually start a scan.




Click on Tools in the lower left corner of your open application window.


Click on the blue Issues pane icon. The Issues pane opens, displaying the results of the last performed scan.


Click on QUICK SCAN or FULL SCAN in the header of the Issues pane.

The Issues pane is cleared, and the requested scan is started.

Important: If you manually start a scan, be aware that the results of a previous scan are removed. Especially when you start a quick scan, it might happen that you erase some useful information from a (time-consuming) full scan.

Cancel full scan

For large applications, the full scan may be time consuming and you may want to cancel the scan before it is finished.

A full scan consists of five stages. When you cancel the scan, the results up to the last successful finished state are displayed. Press Esc or Cancel to cancel a full scan.

Scan resuslts

The results of the last performed scan are displayed in the Issues pane of the Tools panel. It also displays the time when the last performed scan was finished. The issues are grouped and listed in order of importance:

  1. Errors
  2. Deprecates
  3. Warnings
  4. Informational messages.

    Note: A summary of the scan results with the number of issues found in each category is displayed in the header of the Tools panel. This is also visible when the Tools panel is not open.

Expression editor

When working on an expression the Expression editor provides you with immediate feedback when an issue is found. The category of the issue is displayed in front of the line, and what is wrong is underlined with the corresponding color. The same issue categories as used in the quick scan and the full scan are used in the Expression editor.

See illustration below.

Note: If your expression contains an error and warnings, only the error is shown.
  • Performing scans
  • Quick scan vs. full scan
  • Automatic scans
  • Manually starting scans
  • Cancel full scan
  • Scan resuslts
  • Expression editor

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