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Document Understanding Modern Projects User Guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Mar 6, 2025

Moving Document Understanding™ modern projects between tenants or organizations

When running an unattended process, an error occurs within the Extract Document Data activity in the Document Understanding workflow.

The following error is displayed when attempting to use a Document Understanding modern project that has been moved from one tenant to another:

Extract Document Data: The resource requested on `StartDigitization` cannot be found. CF-RAY: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-XXX. AppId: [GUID]Extract Document Data: The resource requested on `StartDigitization` cannot be found. CF-RAY: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-XXX. AppId: [GUID]

The Extract Document Data activity from the UiPath.DocumentUnderstanding.Activities package references the Document Understanding project by ID and recreating the project in a different environment results in a newly generated project ID, not the one configured on the activity. Therefore, whenever a new Document Understanding modern project version is created, you need to update the automation and reference the newly created project version.

Regardless of whether the Generate Data Type property is set to true or false in the Extract Document Data activity, use the following steps to move a Document Understanding modern project/dataset between tenants:

  1. Export the annotated dataset from the first tenant.
  2. Import the dataset into a new project with the same name in the second tenant.
  3. Install Studio Desktop and point it to the second tenant.
  4. Open the project and reconfigure the Project and Extractor properties in the Extract Document Data activity.
  5. Publish the project to the second tenant.
  6. Run the project.

An alternative solution to work around the current limitation in UiPath.DocumentUnderstanding.Activities is to implement the Document Understanding Project Extractor activity from the UiPath.IntelligentOCR.Activities package v6.22.0 or above.

The Document Understanding Project Extractor and Document Understanding Project Classifier activities can use variables in the Project and Version fields so they can be configured as an Asset in Orchestrator.

Consider the following when using UiPath.IntelligentOCR.Activities:

  • UiPath.IntelligentOCR.Activities v6.22.0 or above is compatible with UIAutomation.Activities versions that are v24.10.0 or later.
  • Beginning with v6.19.0, installing the UiPath.IntelligentOCR.Activities package automatically installs the UiPath.DocumentUnderstanding.ML.Activities package. You do not need to install it separately.
  • Do not use the UiPath.DocumentUnderstanding.Activities and UiPath.IntelligentOCR.Activities packages together in the same project.

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