Document Understanding User Guide for Modern Experience
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Sep 19, 2024


UiPath® Document UnderstandingTM activities are a set of Studio and Studio Web activities intended to assist robotic process automation (RPA) developers build document processing solutions. You can currently choose between two types of activities for your Document Understanding projects:
  • IntelligentOCR.Activities package
  • DocumentUnderstanding.Activities package

Both sets of activities allow you to use a comprehensive document processing framework, ranging from the definition of taxonomy, digitization, document classification, data extraction, and data validation. However, the activities differ in their accessible configuration details, ease of use, and compatibility with various features.

All Document Understanding activities are documented in the Document Understanding Activities guide. For specific activities, check the table below.

Table 1. Document Understanding activities
Activity typeIncluded activities

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