- Overview
- Getting started
- Building models
- Consuming models
- ML packages
- 1040 - ML package
- 1040 Schedule C - ML package
- 1040 Schedule D - ML package
- 1040 Schedule E - ML package
- 1040x - ML package
- 3949a - ML package
- 4506T - ML package
- 941x - ML package
- 9465 - ML package
- ACORD125 - ML package
- ACORD126 - ML package
- ACORD131 - ML package
- ACORD140 - ML package
- ACORD25 - ML package
- Bank Statements - ML package
- Bills Of Lading - ML package
- Certificate of Incorporation - ML package
- Certificate of Origin - ML package
- Checks - ML package
- Children Product Certificate - ML package
- CMS 1500 - ML package
- EU Declaration of Conformity - ML package
- Financial Statements - ML package
- FM1003 - ML package
- I9 - ML package
- ID Cards - ML package
- Invoices - ML package
- Invoices Australia - ML package
- Invoices China - ML package
- Invoices Hebrew - ML package
- Invoices India - ML package
- Invoices Japan - ML package
- Invoices Shipping - ML package
- Packing Lists - ML package
- Payslips - ML package
- Passports - ML package
- Purchase Orders - ML package
- Receipts - ML Package
- Receipts Japan - ML package
- Remittance Advices - ML package
- UB04 - ML package
- Utility Bills - ML package
- Vehicle Titles - ML package
- W2 - ML package
- W9 - ML package
- Public endpoints
- Supported languages
- Insights dashboards
- Data and security
- Licensing
- How to
- Troubleshooting

Document Understanding Modern Projects User Guide
- Upload documents and classify them automatically.
- Upload documents straight into document types.
- Manage files from the project (add, remove files and add, change tags).
- Annotate documents.
- Add or remove fields.
- Have a guided experience on training classification and extraction models using the recommendations.
After successfully creating your project and uploading your documents to a specific document type, they are automatically pre-annotated. This is done using a combination of generative and specialized models, based on the document type's schema. The schema clearly defines the fields you want to extract from a particular document type. To find the document type's schema, go to the Annotation page and check the Fields section.
For more in-depth information on how to annotate your documents, check the Annotate documents how-to page.
Once you uploaded your documents, you can add tags to them.
You can add one tag with a maximum of 100 characters for each document.
To add a a tag to your documents, select the documents you want to add and select the Tags button from the menu above the document types list.
You can search through your documents easier if you filter using tags. You can also check the results per tags in the advanced configuration file when a model is trained.
You can edit the settings for multiple fields from Document type manager.
To get to there, select the three-dot icon ⋮ next to the document type you want to edit and select Document type manager from the menu.
- Field name: the unique name for the field.
- Content type: the
content type of the field:
- String: used for company names or addresses, as well as payment terms, or for any other field where you want to build the parsing or formatting logic manually, in the RPA workflow.
- Number: used for amounts or quantities, with intelligent parsing of the decimal/thousands separators.
- Date: parse, format and unify the output using the YYYY-MM-DD format.
- Phone: use for phone number. Formatting removes letters and parentheses, and replaces spaces with dashes.
- ID Number:
used for alphanumeric codes, numbers of IDs. It's similar to the
string content type, but removes any characters coming before the
character. If the Id number you need to extract can contain:
characters, usestring
content type instead to avoid data loss.
- Shortcut: the shortcut key for the field. One key or a combination of two keys is allowed.
- Advanced settings: the
available options differ depending on the Content type of the
selected field. Select the Advanced settings button for the desired
field to edit:
Figure 2. Document type advanced settings
- Field ID: the unique id for the field.
- Post
- first_span: if the model predicts more than one instance of a field in a document, make it return the first one.
- longest_value: if the model predicts more than one instance of a field in a document, make it return the value consisting of the largest number of characters.
- highest_confidence: if the model predicts more than one instance of a field in a document, make it return the value with the highest confidence.
- exact_match: prediction will only be deemed to be correct (score of 1) if it exactly matches the true value. If it differs by even a single character, then it is deemed to be incorrect (score of 0). This is the default setting for all fields except for String fields.
- levenshtein: prediction will be deemed to be partially correct according to the Levenshtein distance between the prediction and the true value. For example, if a 10 letter value is predicted correctly except for the last 2 characters, then the score of that prediction is be 0.8.
- Date format:
this field is only available for fields with content type
Date and it indicates how ambiguous dates are parsed and
- Auto
- US style: YYYY-DD-MM
- Non-US style: YYYY-MM-DD
- Multi-line: fields which span multiple text lines (addresses or descriptions) need to have this checked, otherwise only the first line is returned.
- Multi-value: field returns a list with all the values detected in the document.
You can also reorder the fields from this view.
Changes in document type settings are not reflected in the new project version if you publish a new project version before re-triggering a training.
Workaround: To avoid this, retrain the document type after making modifications to the document type fields. You can do this by tagging or confirming additional documents for that type before publishing a new version.
You can change the document type settings from the Model settings view. To do so, select Model settings.
You can change the following settings:
- Base model: Dataset size estimations used in the Recommended Actions depend on the base model used to train. Using the most similar base model to your Document Type will reduce the amount of annotation work required.
- Number of languages: Dataset size estimation used in the Recommended Actions depend on the number of languages in the dataset. More languages generally require annotating more data.
You can search through the available field names. To do so, use the search bar from the top left corner of the Document type manager interface. For a more efficient search, use the Filter feature to filter by Content type.
- Document type: choose the desired document type from the drop-down list.
- Upload date: choose a date interval when the document was uploaded.
- Status: choose the status of the document.
- Tag: choose the tags you want to filter.
You can check your project's overall score from the top right corner. This score factors in the classifier and extractor scores for all document types. Click Project score to display the Measure section. You can check more in-depth performance measurements in that section.
You can check the score for each document type separately from the Document type section. This score factors in the overall performance of the model, as well as the size and quality of the dataset.
- Poor (0-49)
- Average (50-69)
- Good (70-89)
- Excellent (90-100)
Select Detailed model scores to go to the Measure section for detailed information.