Communications Mining User Guide
Last updated Sep 4, 2024

User permissions explained

User permissions required: View users OR Modify users.

Below is an overview of the different user permissions in the platform and a description of what each permission empowers the user to do. Permissions are granted at the project level, so it's likely users will have and require different permissions for different projects, depending on their role.


To be able to view the different permissions they or others have, users will need the View users or Modify users permissions. These permissions can be viewed in the Projects page.

Permission type

Permission type


Sources permissions refer to the data uploaded by your company for analysis
Datasets permissions give access to datasets, which are named collections of labels, general fields and training data
Streams permissions give access to streams, which allow actions to be taken on newly ingested data
Users permissions allow individuals to view and/or modify users in their projects
Buckets permissions* give access to buckets, which are containers of raw data items that you can upload
Integration permissions* give access to integrations, which allow connecting other services to the platform
Utility permissions* includes any permissions which don’t fit into any of the other categories
*) Buckets, integration, and utility permissions (with the exception of upload files) are typically only granted to programmatic users such as development engineers, and are not required for day-to-day use of the platform.

Roles and the permissions that they grant

CM Tenant Admin

Tenant - Tenant admin

Tenant - Read audit logs

Quotas Write (implicit, not shown in the UI).

Sources - View sources

Sources - View sensitive data

Sources - Edit messages

Sources - Sources admin

Datasets - View labels

Datasets - Modify datasets

Datasets - Modify dashboards

Datasets - Review and label

Datasets - Model admin

Datasets - Datasets admin

Datasets - Export datasets

Streams - View streams

Streams - Modify streams

Streams - Consume streams

Streams - Streams admin

Users - View users

Users - Modify users

Buckets - View buckets

Buckets - Add/remove buckets

Buckets - Upload data to buckets

Integrations - View integrations

Integrations - Modify integrations

Utility - Upload files

Utility - Read appliance configs

Utility - Write appliance configs

Alerts - View Alerts

Alerts - Alerts Admin

Communications Mining Tenant Administrator. Has all the permissions.
CM Project Admin

Sources - View sources

Sources - View sensitive data

Sources - Edit messages

Sources - Sources admin

Datasets - View labels

Datasets - Modify datasets

Datasets - Modify dashboards

Datasets - Review and label

Datasets - Model admin

Datasets - Datasets admin

Datasets - Export datasets

Streams - View streams

Streams - Modify streams

Streams - Consume streams

Streams - Streams admin

Users - View users

Users - Modify users

Buckets - View buckets

Buckets - Add/remove buckets

Buckets - Upload data to buckets

Integrations - View integrations

Integrations - Modify integrations

Utility - Upload files

Utility - Read appliance configs

Utility - Write appliance configs

Alerts - View Alerts

Alerts - Alerts Admin

Can manage everything within a project: users, integrations, sources, datasets, models, streams and alerts. Cannot create or delete projects.
CM Model Trainer

Sources - View sources

Sources - View sensitive data

Datasets - View labels

Datasets - Modify datasets

Datasets - Review and label

Datasets - Models admin

Streams - View streams

Integrations - View integrations

Alerts - View Alerts

Can view everything within a project, review and label data, update dataset settings and pin model versions.

Cannot create or delete datasets.

CM Developer

Sources - View sources

Sources - Edit messages

Sources - Sources admin

Datasets - View labels

Datasets - Export datasets

Datasets - Model admin

Streams - View streams

Streams - Consume streams

Streams - Modify Streams

Streams - Streams Admin

Buckets - View buckets

Buckets - Upload data to buckets

Integrations - View integrations

Integrations - Modify integrations

Utility - Read appliance configs

Utility - Write appliance configs

Alerts - View alerts

Can view everything within a project, upload / export data, configure integrations, pin models versions, manage streams and consume predictions from them.

Cannot review and label data or create / update / delete datasets or alerts.

CM Viewer

Sources - View sources

Datasets - View labels

Streams - View streams

Integrations - View integrations

Alerts - View alerts

Can view everything within a project.

Cannot create, update or delete anything.

CM Analyst

Sources - View sources

Datasets - View labels

Datasets - Modify dashboards

Streams - View streams

Integrations - View integrations

Alerts - View alerts

Alerts - Alerts admin

Can view everything within a project and can create, update and delete dashboards and alerts.
  • import, export or review and label data.
  • modify or consume streams or set up integrations.

User permissions

Permission TypeUser PermissionDescription
Service (only non-project)Tenant admin

Create, modify, and delete projects and users for a tenant. Additionally, all admins on UiPath® Cloud also receive this permission in the Communications Mining platform automatically.

SourcesView sources1View Sources and the messages they contain. This is required to view individual messages on the platform*.

View sensitive data

Grants View sources

View any user properties which have been marked as sensitive, in addition to others.
SourcesEdit messagesCreate, update and delete messages in a source via the API

Sources admin

Grants View sensitive data

Create, modify and delete sources. Source creation must be done via the API.
SourcesCreate translated sourcesCreate sources (via the API) which are automatically translated into English.

View labels*

View pinned and predicted labels on the user's datasets. This is required to view individual messages on the platform.

Modify datasets

Grants View labels

Update a dataset's properties: e.g. its description, sources and general fields. Enable Quality of Service and Tone analysis.

Review and label

Grants View labels

Create, edit, and delete labels, and pin them to messages in the user's datasets. Add pre-trained labels.

Datasets admin

Grants Modify datasets AND Review and label

Create and delete datasets. Pin trained models for use in streams.
DatasetsModify dashboardsCreate, edit and delete dashboards within datasets.
DatasetsExport datasetsExport datasets via the UI
Streams**View streamsView streams and their configuration
Streams**Modify streamsUpdate a stream's properties: e.g. its description and filter.
Streams**Consume streamsFetch and advance the output of a stream.

Streams admin

Grants View streams and Modify streams

Create, modify and delete streams.
UsersView usersView information on the other users in this user's projects.

Modify users

Grants View users

Modify other users' permissions and projects
BucketsView bucketsView information on raw data buckets
BucketsAdd/remove bucketsAdd or remove raw data buckets
BucketsUpload data to bucketsUpload data to buckets
IntegrationsView integrationsView information on external integrations
IntegrationsModify integrationsAdd or remove integrations with external services
AlertsView alertsView alerts, and issues raised by them.
AlertsAlerts adminCreate, modify and delete alerts.
UtilityUpload filesUpload files to the Communications Mining™ server via the web UI
UtilityRead appliance configsFetch appliance configs
UtilityWrite appliance configsUpload new or replace existing appliance configs

*) To view any data related to a Source, Dataset or Message in the platform both ‘View Sources’ and ‘View Labels’ permissions are required (or their parent permissions)

**) 'Triggers' have been renamed to 'Streams' in the platform, to better reflect their functionality.

  • Permission type
  • Roles and the permissions that they grant
  • User permissions

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