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Communications Mining User Guide

Last updated Feb 10, 2025

Manage access

Learn about how to create projects and how to add or remove users from existing projects.

Create a new project

User permissions required: 'Tenant Admin'.

Note: If you have the Tenant Admin permission, you can also create a new project when you Create a new dataset.

You can consider Projects as restricted workspaces. Sources and datasets are both linked to specific projects when they are created, and users must be part of a project (and have the correct user permissions) to view any of the data linked to it.


For Automation Cloud users, every tenant has a Default Project that all users within the tenant have access to. Before uploading data, creating datasets and training models, it's strongly recommended to create a new project with access limited to only those individuals who require access to that data. Once created, data sources cannot be transferred between projects without incurring additional charges.

Follow these steps to create a new project.

  1. As a Communications Mining™ Admin, navigate to the Communications Mining™ Administration page and select the cog icon (A) in the top right section of your page.

    Manage access tabdocs image
  2. Navigate to the Manage Access tab (B).

  3. On the Manage Access tab, select the All projects button (1) in the top left to open the Manage your projects pane.
    All projects modal

  4. Select the New button (2) to create a new project.

You will then be prompted to fill out the following information around the dataset:

1Give your project a nameGive your project a clear, distinguishable name. Once you’ve set the project name, you cannot change it.
2Choose the founding userYou will be prompted to select a founding user from the list of users currently in the platform. If you are an admin, you can put yourself as the founding user and add any subsequent users to the platform after. If you select someone else as a founding user, they will need to add you to the project.
3Provide a title and description for the project (optional)Provide a clear, distinguishable title and description for your project.
Create a new project modal

Once the project has been created you can then proceed to create/add users, data sources, and datasets to it.

Create a new user (non-Automation Cloud)

User permissions required: ‘Modify users’.

Creating a new user (for non-Automation Cloud admins)

  • Navigate to the Manage Access page via the Admin console (the cog on the top right of your page).
  • Select All Projects and select the correct project you want to add the new user to from the dropdown menu.
  • Select the Add User icon to open the Add user modal.
    Note: If you belong to multiple projects with different members in them, you will be presented with the Add user modal.
    Add user modaldocs image
  • Select the Create new user button to open the Create new user modal.
    Note: If you belong to one or more projects that all have the same members, you will be directed straight to the Create new user modal.
    Create new user modaldocs image
  • Fill in the username, company email, and confirm that they should receive a welcome email, and then select Create User.
  • The user will then receive a welcome email that allows them to finish setting up their new account.

Adding a user to a project

User permissions required: ‘Modify users’.

Adding users to a project as an Automation Cloud user

You can also add existing Automation Cloud users within your tenant (who may also be members of other projects) to one of your projects.

Follow these steps to add existing users to a project.

  • Navigate to the Manage Access page via the Admin console (the cog on the top right of your page).
  • Select All Projects and select the correct project you want to add the new user to from the dropdown menu.
  • Select the Add User icon to open the Add user modal. You will be presented with a list of users who have access to Communications Mining™ on your Automation Cloud tenant.
    Add user modaldocs image
  • Select the user you want to add from the list.
    Note: If the user you would like to add is not on the dropdown list, most likely they are not yet added to the tenant that the Communications Mining™ service is enabled on.

    An admin on the UiPath® cloud tenant (where Communications Mining™ is enabled) will be able to add users to that specific tenant. After this step is done, an admin on Communications Mining™ can then add them to specific projects.

Adding users to a project as a non-Automation Cloud User

You can also add existing users from other projects (that you are also a member of) to another one of your projects.

  • Navigate to the Manage Access page via the Admin console (the cog on the top right of your page).
  • Select All Projects and select the correct project you want to add the new user to from the drop-down menu.
  • Select the Add user to project icon to open the Add a user modal.

Select the user from the list or use the search bar to locate them and click on their name to add them to that project.
Add a user modaldocs image

You will only see users that you share at least one other other project with in the Add a user list.

Updating user roles and permissions

User permissions required: Tenant Admin or Modify users.

Note: UiPath Automation Cloud org admins are automatically granted the CM Tenant Admin role. This role cannot be removed without removing their org admin role.

The project administrator receives all the roles in a project, and can distribute the roles to all the users. You can only assign to a user the roles and permissions that you already have. You need your project’s administrator to first assign other permissions to you.

Updating a user’s project roles and permissions

Note: The project owner receives all the roles in a project. Project owners can distribute the roles to all the users.

To edit another user’s project roles, and give them permissions, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Manage Access page via the Admin console (the cog on the top right of your page). Select the project from the drop-down menu.
  2. Click anywhere in the Project Permissions column of the user card for the user you want to update the permissions. Select or deselect the roles in the Project-specific permissions modal.

    Admin permissions are shaded in a darker colour - these automatically grant other permissions:

To edit another user’s permissions, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Manage Access page via the Admin console (the cog on the top right of your page). Select All Projects and choose the project from the drop-down menu, to update user(s) permissions.
    Edit user modal

  2. Click anywhere in the permissions section of the user card for the user you want to update. This will open the Edit user permissions modal.
    Edit user permissions modal

    Select or deselect the roles and permissions as desired for the user. The permission is highlighted when granted and white or grey when not.

If you had the Modify Datasets permission before or you currently have Dataset Admin, you are automatically granted the new Modify Dashboards permission.

Updating a user's global roles and permissions

To give Tenant Admin permissions to another user, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Manage Access page via the Admin console (the cog on the top right of your page). Choose the All projects view.
  2. Select CM Tenant Admin from the Global Permissions column to open the Global permissions modal.

  3. Grant the Tenant Admin permission.

Delete or remove a user

User permissions required: ‘Modify users’.


If you want to remove a user from an project, you need the Modify users permission. To delete a user entirely, you must belong to all projects that user belongs to, and have the Modify users permission in each project. If you do not belong to all projects that user belongs to, and you don't have the Modify users permission in each project, you will receive an error message when trying to delete them.

Follow these steps to remove a user from a project or to delete that user completely.

  • Navigate to the Manage Access page via the Admin console (the cog on the top right of your page).
  • Select the three dots icon at the left-hand side of the user’s card that you wish to remove or delete.
  • Select the Remove from project and Confirm options, to remove the user (or delete them entirely for non-Automation Cloud users).

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