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Productivity Activities

Last updated Feb 28, 2025

Write Column



Write a column in a selected Excel file using an Array Column or a Data Column. You can map individual fields to target columns using the individual fields option under Data Column.


This activity requires the following scopes:

  • Files.ReadWrite


  • Files.ReadWrite.All


  • Sites.ReadWrite.All

Project compatibility

Windows | Cross-platform


  • Microsoft OneDrive & SharePoint connection - The connection for the Microsoft 365 account to use in the activity.
  • Workbook - The Excel workbook to use. The method to specify the folder to be retrieved: Folder picker, Enter Id, Enter Url.
    • Workbook sample - The workbook template to use. The field is visible after clicking Use workbook template. Browse the OneDrive folders and select a workbook. In Studio Desktop, the option is available from the See more button menu next to Range type. To learn more, see Working with templates.

    • File/Folder picker option: Click the Folder docs image icon to browse the OneDrive or SharePoint files/folders and select a spreadsheet. This option accepts input as IResource.
      • Use the See more button menu to use a variable or select the Reload Folder Data option if you've modified your folders and need to retrieve the latest data.

    • Enter Id option:

    • Enter Url option:

      • Workbook Url - The URL of the workbook of interest. This field supports String type input. Retrieve the URL by opening the file in a browser.
  • Range - Indicates the range where to write or append data. You can use custom ranges using full A1 notations. This property supports String variables and string formatted values.
    • Select the Update Ranges option if you've modified your sheets and need to retrieve the latest data.

    • Select the Update Fields option if you've modified your workbook and need to retrieve the latest data.

  • How to write - Specifies how to add the data to the specified range. The available options are:
    • Overwrite - Overwrite any previous data that exists. Writes the column in the exact place. If a range with multiple cells is selected, write on the first column.
      • Column Position - The column index position where the activity overwrites the column. The index can be used from iterating on the range columns using Read Range. Columns starts from 0.
    • Append Right - Append data to the right. Default option. Looks for the first empty column to write to, from left to right.
      Note: Appending data does not currently support named ranges.
    • Insert - Insert a column.
      • Column Position - The column index position where the activity overwrites the column. The index can be used from iterating on the range columns using Read Range. Columns starts from 0.
  • What to write - The data in a DataTable that will be written in a workbook. The available options are:
    • Data Column - Use a Data Column as input data.
    • Array Column - Use an Array Column as input data.
    • Individual Fields - Map data to individual target fields.
  • Data Column to write / Array Column to Write - The data in a Data Column or Array Column that will be written in the workbook.
  • Manage Target Individual Columns - Select additional fields for the current object. This field is displayed if you select the What to write - Individual Fields option and if you select a spreadsheet and range. If you use variables, a spreadsheet sample is required.


  • Description
  • Project compatibility
  • Configuration
  • Example

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