- Release Notes
- Getting Started
- Setup and Configuration
- Automation Projects
- Dependencies
- Types of Workflows
- Sequences
- Flowcharts
- State Machines
- Global Exception Handler
- Workflow From a Template
- File Comparison
- Automation Best Practices
- Source Control Integration
- Debugging
- The Diagnostic Tool
- Workflow Analyzer
- About Workflow Analyzer
- ST-NMG-001 - Variables Naming Convention
- ST-NMG-002 - Arguments Naming Convention
- ST-NMG-004 - Display Name Duplication
- ST-NMG-005 - Variable Overrides Variable
- ST-NMG-006 - Variable Overrides Argument
- ST-NMG-008 - Variable Length Exceeded
- ST-NMG-009 - Prefix Datatable Variables
- ST-NMG-011 - Prefix Datatable Arguments
- ST-NMG-012 - Argument Default Values
- ST-NMG-016 - Argument Length Exceeded
- ST-DBP-002 - High Arguments Count
- ST-DBP-003 - Empty Catch Block
- ST-DBP-007 - Multiple Flowchart Layers
- ST-DBP-020 - Undefined Output Properties
- ST-DBP-023 - Empty Workflow
- ST-DBP-024 - Persistence Activity Check
- ST-DBP-025 - Variables Serialization Prerequisite
- ST-DBP-026 - Delay Activity Usage
- ST-DBP-027 - Persistence Best Practice
- ST-DBP-028 - Arguments Serialization Prerequisite
- ST-USG-005 - Hardcoded Activity Arguments
- ST-USG-009 - Unused Variables
- ST-USG-010 - Unused Dependencies
- ST-USG-014 - Package Restrictions
- ST-USG-020 - Minimum Log Messages
- ST-USG-024 - Unused Saved for Later
- ST-USG-025 - Saved Value Misuse
- ST-USG-026 - Activity Restrictions
- ST-USG-027 - Required Packages
- ST-USG-028 - Restrict Invoke File Templates
- ST-USG-032 - Required Tags
- ST-USG-034 - Automation Hub URL
- Variables
- Arguments
- Imported Namespaces
- Recording
- UI Elements
- Control Flow
- Selectors
- Object Repository
- Data Scraping
- Image and Text Automation
- Citrix Technologies Automation
- RDP Automation
- Salesforce Automation
- SAP Automation
- VMware Horizon Automation
- Logging
- The ScreenScrapeJavaSupport Tool
- The WebDriver Protocol
- Test Suite - Studio
- Extensions
- Troubleshooting
- About troubleshooting
- Microsoft App-V support and limitations
- Internet Explorer X64 troubleshooting
- Microsoft Office issues
- Identifying UI elements in PDF with Accessibility options
- Repairing Active Accessibility support
- Automating Applications Running Under a Different Windows User
- Validation of large Windows-legacy projects takes longer than expected

Studio User Guide
Workflow From a Template
Use workflow templates as base models for other workflows. You can use built-in templates (e.g. Sequences, Global Exception Handler, create custom templates, or use templates from libraries installed in your projects.
- The templates are specific to the project type and language.
- File templates cannot be converted to workflows, compiled, or published.
- You can create templates that are based on other templates.
When you add a new workflow to a project, you can choose a template on which to base it. The templates that you can choose from vary depending on the type of file you are adding (workflow or test case), whether you've installed libraries that contain file templates, and whether you've previously added templates to your project Templates folder.
The Sequence template is useful if you want to design a workflow with sequential activities that act as a single block. This template is available only for workflows.
Use the Flowchart template to design workflows with multiple branches. This template is available only for workflows.
State machine
Use the State machine template to design workflows with activities that get triggered based on specified states. This template is available only for workflows.
Local templates are created in the Templates folder of the project when you extract a file as template and when you add a template to the Templates folder. Local file templates are available inside the project where you create them. Local templates added in a library project will be available in projects where the library is installed as a dependency.
You can create local templates of three types: execution template, workflow template, and test case template. When you extract a file as a template, the template type is applied automatically based on the type of file you extract (workflow or test case). When you manually add a template to the Templates folder, you select the type of template to create.
Package file templates are file templates that are included in libraries or activity packages that are installed as dependencies in a project.
When you create a workflow, you can find workflow templates from installed libraries under Package file templates in the Template dropdown.
You can use the contextual menu in the Project panel to manually add workflow, execution, and test case templates based on other templates to your project. After you add a template, you can edit it in the Designer, and then use it as a starting point for creating other files.
To add a workflow template, right-click the Templates folder, and then select Add > Workflow Template. You can then select a template on which to base the new template.
If you want to make an existing workflow available as a template for future files, extract it as a template.
In the Project panel, right-click a workflow, and then select Extract as Template.
The extracted file is added to the Templates folder. The following image shows a workflow template created from a sequence and two test case templates.
You can create workflow templates in libraries the same way you create them in processes. After you publish the library, the templates marked as public are available as package file templates in projects where the library is installed.
- Create a blank process.
- Build whatever workflow you would like to use as a template. For this example, the sample workflow creates a form where respondents give their full name and age, and then prints out the age that the respondent completed in the form.
When you finish building the workflow, right-click it, and select Extract as Template.
Name the template, choose the Templates folder as the location to store it in, and select Create. For this example, the name of the template is MyFirstLocalTemplate.
- Go to the Design tab, in the File group, select New > Workflow. The New Workflow window is displayed.
Give it an appropriate name and choose the location as the Templates folder, and select the template that you previously created from the Template dropdown list. For this example, choose MyFirstLocalTemplate.
Example: Check out the sample XAML project below.