Studio User Guide
Last updated Sep 12, 2024

ST-USG-005 - Hardcoded Activity Arguments

Rule ID: ST-USG-005

Scope: Activity


The rule checks whether activity properties received hardcoded values. By default, it checks the following activities: State Machine, and State.


Avoid using hardcoded values for activity properties. Use default activity property values, variables and/or arguments as much as possible for keeping your process robust and dynamic.

Modifying the Rule

In the Project Settings window, select the Workflow Analyzer tab. Find the rule and select the rule, as in the image below:

  • To add more activities to the default list, add activity namespaces separated by a comma.
  • To scan all activities, clear the list, and then add only the asterisk * wildcard character.

Reset to Default

By default, it checks the following activities: System.Activities.Statements.StateMachine,System.Activities.Statements.State.

To reset the value to default right-click the rule in the Project Settings window, and then click Reset to default.

  • Description
  • Recommendation
  • Modifying the Rule
  • Reset to Default

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