- Release Notes
- Getting Started
- Setup and Configuration
- Automation Projects
- Deprecation of the Windows-Legacy Compatibility
- About the Windows - Legacy Compatibility
- About the Project.Json File
- About Publishing Automation Projects
- Designing Automations
- Managing activity packages
- Configuring Activity Project Settings
- Signing Packages
- Governance
- Importing Entities
- Modern Design Experience
- Linking a Project to an Idea in Automation Hub
- Using the Data Manager
- Dependencies
- Types of Workflows
- File Comparison
- Automation Best Practices
- Source Control Integration
- Debugging
- The Diagnostic Tool
- Workflow Analyzer
- About Workflow Analyzer
- ST-NMG-001 - Variables Naming Convention
- ST-NMG-002 - Arguments Naming Convention
- ST-NMG-004 - Display Name Duplication
- ST-NMG-005 - Variable Overrides Variable
- ST-NMG-006 - Variable Overrides Argument
- ST-NMG-008 - Variable Length Exceeded
- ST-NMG-009 - Prefix Datatable Variables
- ST-NMG-011 - Prefix Datatable Arguments
- ST-NMG-012 - Argument Default Values
- ST-NMG-016 - Argument Length Exceeded
- ST-DBP-002 - High Arguments Count
- ST-DBP-003 - Empty Catch Block
- ST-DBP-007 - Multiple Flowchart Layers
- ST-DBP-020 - Undefined Output Properties
- ST-DBP-023 - Empty Workflow
- ST-DBP-024 - Persistence Activity Check
- ST-DBP-025 - Variables Serialization Prerequisite
- ST-DBP-026 - Delay Activity Usage
- ST-DBP-027 - Persistence Best Practice
- ST-DBP-028 - Arguments Serialization Prerequisite
- ST-USG-005 - Hardcoded Activity Arguments
- ST-USG-009 - Unused Variables
- ST-USG-010 - Unused Dependencies
- ST-USG-014 - Package Restrictions
- ST-USG-020 - Minimum Log Messages
- ST-USG-024 - Unused Saved for Later
- ST-USG-025 - Saved Value Misuse
- ST-USG-026 - Activity Restrictions
- ST-USG-027 - Required Packages
- ST-USG-028 - Restrict Invoke File Templates
- ST-USG-032 - Required Tags
- ST-USG-034 - Automation Hub URL
- Variables
- Arguments
- Imported Namespaces
- Recording
- UI Elements
- Control Flow
- Selectors
- Object Repository
- Data Scraping
- Image and Text Automation
- Citrix Technologies Automation
- RDP Automation
- Salesforce Automation
- SAP Automation
- VMware Horizon Automation
- Logging
- The ScreenScrapeJavaSupport Tool
- The WebDriver Protocol
- Test Suite - Studio
- Extensions
- Troubleshooting
- About troubleshooting
- Microsoft App-V support and limitations
- Internet Explorer X64 troubleshooting
- Microsoft Office issues
- Identifying UI elements in PDF with Accessibility options
- Repairing Active Accessibility support
- Automating Applications Running Under a Different Windows User
- Validation of large Windows-legacy projects takes longer than expected

Studio User Guide
Deprecation of the Windows-Legacy Compatibility
Studio 2021.10 brought support for .NET-based projects and introduced the concept of project compatibility based on the target framework. In releases prior to 2021.10, all projects used .NET Framework 4.6.1, but since Studio 2021.10 you have had the option to create projects with the Windows - Legacy compatibility (.NET Framework 4.6.1) or with the Windows and cross-platform compatibilities based on .NET.
The default compatibility for new projects is now Windows. While we continue to support the Windows - Legacy compatibility, new features and improvements will mostly be available only in projects with the Windows and cross-platform compatibilities.
For example, the following features introduced in Studio 2022.10 are not available in Windows - Legacy projects:
- Support for creating global variables and constants in the Data Manager.
- New design experience available for cross-platform projects and some activities in Windows projects.
- The ability to customize the layout of activities generated from libraries.
Currently, you can create new projects with the Windows - Legacy compatibility. In future Studio releases, you will only be able to open, edit, and run Windows - Legacy projects. However, organizations will still be able to use governance policies to restore the option of creating Windows – Legacy projects. The Windows - Legacy compatibility will only be deprecated once all official UiPath activity packages are available in Windows or cross-platform projects. To stay up to date with upcoming deprecations, see Deprecation Timeline.
Studio comes with a built-in conversion tool that enables you to convert any Windows - Legacy project to Windows.
When you convert a project to Windows:
- Project dependencies are managed based on the
following rules:
- If the same version of the package exists in the configured package sources, the version used in the Windows - Legacy project is not changed.
- If the same version of the package does not exist, the version used in the Windows - Legacy project is changed to the highest patch of the nearest version.
Dependencies for which no versions with the Windows compatibility are found are marked as unresolved and the version used in the Windows - Legacy project is displayed in the Project panel after the conversion.
Most activity packages developed by UiPath and available on the Official feed support the Windows compatibility. For a complete list, see the Activities Guides.
- All the activities and properties are preserved in the converted project.
- Namespaces that are different in Windows - Legacy and Windows projects are updated.
Namespaces that are required in Windows projects are added and those used only in Windows - Legacy projects are removed.
Note: Convert and republish Windows - Legacy libraries before you convert the processes where they are installed as dependencies.
To convert a legacy project to the Windows compatibility:
Open the Windows - Legacy project in Studio and make sure you only open it in one Studio instance. A message is displayed at the top of the window.
Right-click the project node in the Project panel and then select Convert to Windows. A new window is displayed.
Select how to convert:
- To create a copy of the current project using the Windows compatibility and keep the original Windows - Legacy project, select Create a new project. Enter the name, the location where to create, and optionally a description for the new project.
- To update the existing project and convert it to the Windows compatibility, clear the Create a new project checkbox. The changes made to the project if you select this option cannot be undone.
- Click Convert.
If dependency issues cause unresolved activities after the conversion, a message displayed at the top of each such activity indicates that it is missing or it could not be loaded. The following information is available for each one: display name, activity namespace, activity properties and values. Click Replace to find an alternative and replace the missing or invalid activity. For more information, see Missing or Invalid Activities.
- The following expressions are
incompatible with Windows projects and need to be manually changed to successfully convert
a Windows - Legacy project to Windows:
Windows - Legacy syntax Windows syntax {}
new Object() {}
new Object() {task_output.Id.ToString,task_action,now,I_comment }
- To resolve validation errors generated by other expressions that worked before the conversion, cut the expression using the CTRL + X keyboard shortcut and paste it back in the activity field using CTRL + C.