Studio User Guide
Last updated Sep 12, 2024

UiPath Remote Runtime blocks Citrix session from being closed


At installation time, UiPathRemoteRuntime.msi registers UiPath executables for Citrix auto clean-up by adding them under the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Citrix\wfshell\TWI.
Value Name: LogoffCheckSysModules
Type: REG_SZ
String: UiPathRemoteRuntime.exe,FuncServer_x86.exe,FuncServer_x64.exe,UiPathRemote.exe
This is an example of how the LogoffCheckSysModules registry key should be configured:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"LogoffCheckSysModules"="CitrixFiles.exe,UiPathRemoteRuntime.exe,FuncServer_x86.exe,FuncServer_x64.exe,UiPathRemote.exe"Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

The effect of removing the registry changes is that Citrix sessions are not cleaned up when all opened applications have been closed, because the UiPath executables are still running.


If you make any additional changes to the LogoffCheckSysModules registry key after installing UiPath Remote Runtime, make sure you add the UiPath executables (UiPathRemoteRuntime.exe,FuncServer_x86.exe,FuncServer_x64.exe,UiPathRemote.exe) to the list, to ensure Citrix remote sessions are closed correctly. For details, see the Citrix support documentation.
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