Studio User Guide
Last updated Sep 12, 2024

Trigger Based Attended Automation

Trigger Based Attended Automation is a project template based on a Sequence, that is tailored to monitor certain triggers such as a mouse or keyboard event and deploy an automation. This sequence contains a Trigger Scope activity named Monitor Agent Action that contains triggers for clicks, keystrokes, and hotkeys, a Get Source Element activity to retrieve UiElement objects and a container for adding event handling logic.

The template allows you to configure triggers and add other trigger activities based on the project needs. These triggers are monitored simultaneously and the Event Handler is executed once for any occurring event. The Use Foreground activity allows running a specified set of activities in the foreground.

The default dependencies of this project template are UiPath.Excel.Activities, UiPath.System.Activities, UiPath.Mail.Activities, and UiPath.UIAutomation.Activities.

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