Document Understanding Activities
Last updated Aug 30, 2024

ResultsDocument Class


  • Namespace: UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.Results
  • Assembly: UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts


A public class that represents document info for a reported extraction or classification result.

Note: Starting with UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts package version 1.17, a new way to represent extracted tables was introduced in the Tables property of the ResultDocument class. The previous representation (as a ResultsDataPoint in the Fields array) is obsolete. Currently both ways to represent tables are maintained (so an extracted table appears both under Fields and Tables) however support for the old format will be removed in the future.


ResultsDocument() - Initializes a new instance of the ResultsDocument class with no arguments.
  • Bounds <UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.ResultsDocumentBounds> - The document boundaries for which the current result is reported.
  • DataVersion <Int> - The data version for the entire ResultsDocument object. The version of an automatically extracted document is 0, and is incremented for each subsequent manual modification.
  • DocumentCategory <String> - The taxonomy category in which the reported document type is defined.
  • DocumentGroup <String> - The taxonomy group in which the reported document type is defined.
  • DocumentTypeId <String> - The document type id reported in the results.
  • DocumentTypeName <String> - The document type name reported in the results.
  • DocumentTypeSource <UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.ResultsDataSource - The source of the document type setting.
  • DocumentTypeField <String> - The document type details, containing reference, confidence etc.
  • DocumentTypeDataVersion <Int> - The data version for the reported document type field.
  • Fields <UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.ResultsDataPoint[]> - Collection of extracted fields for each field defined in the document type.
  • Language <String> - A three letter language code according to ISO 639-3 standard, as set for the document.
  • Tables <UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.ResultsTable[]> - Collection of extracted tables for each table field defined in the document type.
  • Definition
  • Description
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