Document Understanding Activities
Last updated Aug 30, 2024

Create Validation Task



Allows you to create a document validation action.

Tip: Unless this activity is the first Document Understanding activity part of a Studio workflow, the input should be Document Data. File should only be used as input if the activity is the first Document Understanding one part of a Studio workflow.

Project compatibility





  • Extracted data - Provides the output of an Extract Document Data activity. Mandatory.
  • Action Title - Provides the title of the action that needs to be created in Action Center. Mandatory.

Action Properties

  • Action priority - Establishes the priority of the action in Action Center. The available options visible in the drop-down menu are Critical, High, Medium, and Low, with the default option set to Medium.
  • Orchestrator folder - Specify the Orchestrator folder where resources should be stored.
  • Action catalog - Specifies the catalog where the action is created, in Action Center. If no catalog is defined, the activity generates a default_du_actions catalog.
  • Orchestrator bucket - Orchestrator bucket to push the documents and data required for creating the tasks.


  • Extracted fields validation confidence % - Set the upper limit confidence score to be used for filtering extracted fields.


  • Created Document Validation Task - The result of creating the document validation task.
  • Description
  • Project compatibility
  • Configuration

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