Document Understanding Activities
Last updated Aug 30, 2024

IClassifierCapabilitiesProvider Interface

IClassifierCapabilitiesProvider is an interface for classifier activities that declare their own processing capabilities and target fields based on internal taxonomy.


  • Namespace: UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.DataExtraction
  • Assembly: UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts


An interface that needs to be implemented if the classifier activity can declare its own capabilities. An example scenario is the document types the classifier can process and the associated fields it can target, based on its internal taxonomy.


  • ProvidesCapabilities boolean - Returns True if the classifier is able to provide a list of capabilities.
  • GetCapabilities(Task<ClassifierDocumentTypeCapability[]>) - Gets, at design time, a list of document types the classifier is capable of classifying. This method will only be called at design time, and as such it should not use any InArgument(s).
  • Definition
  • Description
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