Document Understanding Activities
Last updated Aug 30, 2024

Extract PDF Page Range


Extracts a specified range of pages from a PDF document.


  • DisplayName - The display name of the activity.
  • FileName - The path of the PDF file you want to extract a range of pages from. This field supports only strings and String variables.
  • OutputFileName - The name you want to use for the file that is generated from the extracted range of pages. This field supports only strings and String variables.
  • Password - The password of the PDF file, if necessary. This field supports only strings and String variables.
  • Range - The range of pages that you want to retrieve. You can specify a single page (e.g. "7"), a range of pages (e.g. "7-12"), or a complex range, (e.g. "2-5, 7, 15-End" or "All"). Only string variables and strings are supported. By default, this field is cleared.
  • Private - If selected, the values of variables and arguments are no longer logged at Verbose level.
  • Properties

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