Document Understanding Activities
Last updated Aug 30, 2024

Create Classification Validation Task




Allows you to create a Document Validation action type in Action Center. The output of this activity can be used with the Wait for Classification Validation Task and Resume activity to suspend and resume orchestration workflows upon human action completion in Action Center.

Project compatibility



Action properties

  • Action priority - Priority of the action. You can choose between Low, Medium, High, or Critical. The default value is Medium.
  • Orchestrator folder - Orchestrator folder where the action will be available.
  • Action catalog - Catalog where the action will be available in Action Center. Click Manage catalogs to go straight to Action Center and manage your catalogs.
  • Orchestrator bucket (Preview) - Orchestrator bucket to push the documents and data required for creating the tasks.


  • Created Classification Validation Task - Output variable automatically generated by the activity. You can use it as it is, or save it with a different name if needed.
  • Description
  • Project compatibility
  • Configuration

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