Document Understanding Activities
Last updated Aug 30, 2024

ITrainableExtractorActivity Interface

ITrainableExtractorActivity is a public interface that defines the InArguments available an extractor training activity.


  • Namespace: UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.Training
  • Assembly: UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts


A public interface inheriting the IPersistedActivity interface, that defines the InArguments available an extractor training activity.
This interface should not be implemented directly. When building an extractor training activity, use one of the provided abstract classes: TrainableExtractorAsyncCodeActivity, TrainableExtractorCodeActivity or TrainableExtractorNativeActivity.


  • DocumentPath InArgument<string> - The file path of the document.
  • DocumentText InArgument<string> - The text version of the document.
  • DocumentObjectModel InArgument<UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.Dom.Document> - The document object model of the document.
  • HumanValidatedData InArgument<UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.Results.ExtractionResult[]> - The extraction results for the processed document that you want to use for training.
  • Definition
  • Description
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