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  • Communications Mining Dispatcher Framework
    • Communications Mining Dispatcher Framework
Communications Mining Activities
Last updated Jul 9, 2024

Communications Mining Dispatcher Framework

The Communications Mining Dispatcher Framework is an officially supported UiPath® template that fast-tracks the development of projects using Communications Mining.

This framework simplifies the consumption of a Communications Mining stream. Check the streams page. After entering the configuration information and business logic, the framework handles stream consumption and Orchestrator queue creation.

Note: Make sure you have configured your stream in Communications Mining. Check the steps in the Create a stream page.

You can access the framework directly from Studio, under the official templates.


Start by configuring the settings within the Config.xlsx file in the Data folder. There are 5 settings in the Settings tab:




CommunicationsMiningProjectNameThe name of the project containing your dataset.N/A
CommunicationsMiningDatasetNameThe name of the dataset containing your stream.N/A
CommunicationsMiningStreamNameThe name of your stream.N/A
RunContinuouslySet to True, to keep the process active when the stream is empty. Continuously poll, waiting for new communications to be added to the stream
PollWaitTimeThe pause in seconds between stream polls.Only applicable when running continuously.
Note: Ensure you use the API names of your project, dataset and stream. For a correct running of the process, it is recommended to avoid using the titles.

Once you have configured this information in Config.xlsx, the Dispatcher framework now targets the stream that you configured. Next, define the business logic to determine which communications go to which Orchestrator queues.

Business Logic

Configure your business logic in the GetDestinationQueue page in the Framework folder.

The GetDestinationQueue page has:

  • One input: Communications Mining StreamResult that is currently being processed.
  • Two outputs: the Destination Queue Name and the Destination Queue Folder.

You can configure your business logic on this page to set the two outputs to the appropriate values for your use case.

The Communications Mining StreamResult type provides several functions to assist you. For example:

  • in_Communication.Prediction.ContainsLabelExtraction("Address Change") - Use this syntax to check if an extraction has been made for the given label.
  • in_Communication.Prediction.GetLabelExtraction("Address Change") - Use this syntax to retrieve a list of extractions that have been made for the given label. The results are stored in the LabelExtraction type , which also has a set of helper functions that you can use.
  • in_Communication.Prediction.ContainsGeneralField("policy-number") - Use this syntax to check if a given general field has been predicted for the current communication.
  • in_Communication.Prediction.GetEntity("policy-number").FieldValue = "123" - Use this syntax to check if a general field has a specific value.
The LabelExtraction type, that returns when using the in_Communication.Prediction.GetLabelExtraction("Address Change") function, allows you to check the following information about the given extraction:
  • LabelExtraction.OccuranceConfidence.HasExceededThreshold("stream") - Use this syntax to check if the given extraction has exceeded the threshold that you configured in your stream.
  • LabelExtraction.FieldExists("policy-number") - Use this syntax to check if a field has been predicted for the given extraction.
  • LabelExtraction.GetFieldValue("policy-number") - Use this syntax to get the value of a field that has been predicted for the given extraction.

Apply these helper functions to your own business logic to decide which communications to add to specific Orchestrator queues. Set the Destination Queue Name and Destination Queue Folder values accordingly.

Running the process

To run the process, ensure you have configured the inputs in the Data.xlsx spreadsheet and built your own business logic on the GetDestinationQueue page.

Note: By default, streams only return communications added to a dataset after you created the stream. If you don’t see any communications when running your process, you may need to reset your stream. For more information, check the reset a stream page.
  • Configuration
  • Business Logic
  • Running the process

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