  • Release Notes
      • June 2024
      • May 2024
      • January 2024
  • Overview
  • Uploading data to Communications Mining
  • Using the Dispatcher Framework
  • Activities reference
    • Get Stream results
    • Get Attachment
    • Create Record
    • Get Record
    • Fetch Batch from Stream (Legacy)
    • Advance Stream
    • Reset Stream
    • Predict Record(s)
Communications Mining Activities
Last updated Oct 11, 2024

Predict Record(s)



This activity charges 1 AI unit per record.

Table 1. Get predictions for specific Communications Mining Records
NameFullNameDirectionDescriptionIs required
Project nameProjectInputProject in Communications Mining from where you want to predict record(s)True
Dataset nameDatasetInputDataset in Communications Mining from where you want to predict record(s)True
AI model versionAiModelVersionInputThe version of the model to use, can be a version number or "Live" or "Staging". Available versions can be seen in Models page True
Use auto-thresholdUseAutoThresholdInputEnabling auto-thresholds returns a list of pre-defined thresholds that the label prediction satisfiesTrue
ThresholdThresholdInputA value between 0 and 1 e.g. 0.5True
Record(s)RecordInputThe record(s) that you want to make predictions forTrue
Prediction resultsPredictionOutputPrediction resultsFalse

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