  • Release Notes
      • June 2024
      • May 2024
      • January 2024
  • Overview
  • Uploading data to Communications Mining
  • Using the Dispatcher Framework
  • Activities reference
Communications Mining Activities
Last updated Oct 11, 2024

How are communications uploaded into the platform?

You can upload communications to the platform in several ways. Some methods are static and work well for one-time uploads, while others are real-time and better suited for automation scenarios.

Uploading communications with the csv upload and the CLI are examples of static methods for uploading data into the platform, as these methods are focused more on “one off” uploads, they’re not commonly used in automation settings.

When uploading communications to the platform for automation, this is typically done with our out-of-the-box exchange integration or via an automation.


When working with data from Outlook or Exchange, we recommend using the built-in integration to upload it directly into Communications Mining.

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