  • Release Notes
      • June 2024
      • May 2024
      • January 2024
  • Overview
  • Uploading data to Communications Mining
  • Using the Dispatcher Framework
  • Activities reference
Communications Mining Activities
Last updated Oct 11, 2024

Helper functions

Just like withthe StreamResult class, you typically won't need to interact with these properties directly. There are a set of helper functions that make it easy to access the data you need:


FieldExists(string name)

Returns: bool

This function lets you determine whether a given field exists for the current extraction.


GetFieldValue(string name)

Returns: string
This function returns the value for the given field.
Note: If the field does not exist, then an empty string will be returned.


GetField(string name)

Returns: Field.

This function returns the field with the given name

Note: Most of the time you want to use GetFieldValue instead.
  • FieldExists
  • GetFieldValue
  • GetField

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