- Release Notes
- Overview
- Uploading data to Communications Mining
- Using the Dispatcher Framework
- Activities reference
- Get Stream results
- Get Attachment
- Create Communications Mining Validation Action
- Create Communications Mining Validation Artifacts
- Create Record
- Get Record
- Fetch Batch from Stream (Legacy)
- Advance Stream
- Reset Stream
- Retrieve Communications Mining Artifacts
- Predict Record(s)
- Wait For Communications Mining Validation Action
Create Communications Mining Validation Artifacts

Communications Mining Activities
Last updated Mar 3, 2025
PREVIEWCreate Communications Mining Validation Artifacts
The Create Communications Mining Validation Artifacts stores all data required for
loading a stream result in an Apps Validation Control into the storage bucket of
your choice, and returns an object that can further be used as input for the Create App Task activity. The information
that the activity requires is:
- Storage bucket data – This data controls where you want to store the action that you send for validating the stream result.
- Document information – Any information specific to the stream result that should be reviewed.
The output object of the Create Communications Mining Validation Artifacts is
Designer panel
- Orchestrator Bucket Folder Path: Select the Orchestrator folder that hosts the storage bucket where you want to create the action.
- Orchestrator Bucket: Select the storage bucket where you want to create the action.
- Orchestrator Bucket Directory
Path: The directory path within the previously inputted storage bucked
where you want to store action data.
This field only supports string values, with slash
as the separator to indicate subdirectories. For example "Finance/AccountsPayable". - Input Stream Result: The stream result that you want to validate. Enter the output variable of the Get Stream results activity.
Properties panel
Storage Details
- Timeout (milliseconds):
Specify waiting time (in milliseconds) for the activity to connect to
Orchestrator before an error is thrown. The default value is 30000 milliseconds
(30 seconds). This field supports only integer and
- Content Validation Data: The output variable where all the information about the processed stream result and the information on the location of action data is stored. You later use this output variable as input for the Retrieve Communications Mining Validation Artifacts activity.