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Orchestrator user guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Mar 11, 2025

Managing Business Rules

Accessing business rule versions

To keep track of your business rules, use the Version field.

Note: After you save the business rule with the uploaded DMN file, you can no longer change its version.

You can view the version of a business rule from the Business Rules page. To check the version, select a business rule, then either edit the business rule, or go straight to More Actions, and select View versions.

If needed, you can also download the version of a business rule through one of the following methods:
  • Once you upload the DMN file during the business rule creation, select the download icon located next to the file.
  • From the Business Rules page, on the desired business rule, select More Actions, then Download version. Alternatively, under More Actions, select View versions. A side panel opens, where you can select the download icon next to the version you want to download.

Business rule links

Linking business rules from other folders

  1. On the Business Rules page, select Add business rule, then Link from other folders.
  2. Next, the Import Business Rule page displays a list of all business rules from other folders.
  3. Select one or more business rules to add to the current folder, then Continue, and then Link.

Managing business rules links

  1. On the Business Rules page, select a business rule, go to More Actions, and select Manage links.
  2. In the next window, select one or more folders where to add a business rule, or deselect folders to remove a business rule.
  3. Select Update.

Executing a business rule

Note: Before you execute a business rule, make sure that:
  • You model a DMN file with the help of a DMN-compliant editor.
  • You create a new business rule in Orchestrator by uploading the DMN file.
  • You have view rights assigned to view the business rules.

  • After deployment, the process can access the business rules it uses.

  1. To execute a business rule, open UiPath® Studio.
  2. Add to your workflow an Evaluate Business Rule activity or a Business Rule Task process diagram.
  3. Use the DMN file stored in Orchestrator in the activity or process diagram.
  4. Map input and output arguments according to how the DMN file is modelled.
  5. Execute the process directly from Studio, or upload the package to Orchestrator, and execute it from there.

Editing a business rule

Note: You need Edit permissions on Business Rules to edit a business rule.
  1. On the Business Rules page, select a business rule, then go to More Actions, then select Edit.
  2. Next, you can edit the following fields: Name, Description, Labels, Properties, and File.

    After you save the business rule with the uploaded DMN file, you can no longer change its version.

    Make sure that argument names consist only of letters, digits, and the underscore character. The names must begin with a letter or the underscore character.

  3. Select Update.

Removing a business rule

Note: You need Delete permissions on Business Rules to remove a buisness rule.
  1. On the Business Rules page, select a business rule.
  2. Next, go to More Actions.
  3. Select Remove.

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