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Orchestrator user guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Mar 7, 2025

Organizing Folders

Utilizing folder features and capabilities, your Orchestrator and Tenant administrators are able to delegate the administration of automation solutions according to department (or any other manner in which you want to organize your deployment).

This configuration only needs to be performed once, after which the automations are managed on a folder basis by your designated folder administrators. Thereafter, the only occasion where an Orchestrator or Tenant administrator must intervene is the creation of new folders if there are new departments added to the organization.

To configure your Orchestrator for such delegation, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you use standard roles:
  2. Create a folder for each set of automations that are to be managed separately.
    This division can be done in whatever manner is best suited to your needs, whether by departments (i.e. Finance, HR, Sales) or by specific automations (i.e. Earnings Reports, Onboarding, Expense Reports).
  3. Assign the Tenant Administrator role, at the tenant level, to the user(s) you are delegating the management of all tenant entities (e.g. Machines, Users, Roles, etc.) to, if not performing this function yourself.

    If you are delegating Tenant administration, the remaining steps can be performed by these designated users.

  4. For the Orchestrator users that need to manage their own folders and subfolders, assign the following roles:
    • Allow to be Folder Administrator at the tenant level; and
    • Folder Administrator at the folder level.

  5. For the Robot users that need to execute the automations, assign the following roles:
    • Allow to be Automation User at the tenant level; and
    • Automation User at the folder level.

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