  • Release notes
      • 2021.10.7
      • 2021.10.6
      • 2021.10.5
      • 2021.10.4
      • 2021.10.1
  • Getting started
  • Setup and configuration
  • Working with Task Mining
  • Additional resources
Task Mining
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Mar 11, 2024

Managing your projects

For each of your projects, you have the option to check out and edit its Name and Description by accessing the Details page or review the project progress through its specific Dashboard page by accessing the Go to Project page.

  • Delete option provides the ability to delete a project. Once a project is deleted, it cannot be recovered.

  • Archive option lets users archive the project and any other information added or captured will not be integrated in the respective project.

  • Restore is available only on Archived projects and lets users enable the project and continue to add information.

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