  • Release notes
      • 2021.10.7
      • 2021.10.6
      • 2021.10.5
      • 2021.10.4
      • 2021.10.1
  • Getting started
  • Setup and configuration
  • Working with Task Mining
  • Additional resources
Task Mining
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Mar 11, 2024

Installing the client app

There are two installer file types available to install Task Mining Client App on your machine:

  • the task-mining-setup.exe used to install the Client App per-user
  • the task-mining-setup.msi used to install the Client App per-machine
    • It is NOT supported to have both the .exe and .msi versions of Task Mining on the same machine.
    • The functionality of both installer types is the same.

Please find below a comparison between the two installer file types. This can help you decide what is the version that suits you.

Installation typeper-user per-machine
App runs after installationYes docs imageNo docs image
Requires Admin Rights for installationNo docs imageYes docs image
Requires Admin Rights for runningNo docs imageNo docs image
Supports command-line installationNo docs imageYes docs image
User Data folder%AppData%\)\)Task Mining%AppData%\)\)Task Mining
License files folder%AppData%\)\)Task Mining%ProgramData%\)\)UiPath Task Mining
Destination Folder%localappdata%\)\)Programs\) ask-mining%ProgramFiles%\)\)UiPath\)\)Task Mining
Can Destination Folder be changed during installation?No docs imageYes docs image

Customize service URL

Use Customize Service URL during the Sign In to change how the desktop app reaches to Admin Console. This is required for Automation Suite installations.

Type in the URL you want to connect the desktop app to and click Sign In to proceed.

  • Customize service URL

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