  • Release notes
      • 2021.10.7
      • 2021.10.6
      • 2021.10.5
      • 2021.10.4
      • 2021.10.1
  • Getting started
    • Installing Automation Suite
    • Introduction
    • Prerequisites
    • Security
    • Protection of personal data and privacy of the users
    • Legal information
  • Setup and configuration
  • Working with Task Mining
  • Additional resources
Task Mining
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Mar 11, 2024

Legal information

This section provides general details and resources for the usage of the UiPath Task Mining system.


The user receives the right to access and use UiPath Task Mining by signing a licensing agreement with UiPath.

A licensing model for Task Mining is applicable to the version that it is associated with. For details about the licensing model please access the UiPath Licensing page.

Task Mining uses third-party software to function as intended; see the source for libraries (as requested by the associated licenses): certified and tqdm.

Note: Each End-user license comes with up to 100Gb of data processed by the Cloud service.

Product lifecycle policy

We encourage you to access and read our Product Lifecycle Policy as it describes the support period per Task Mining version. These regulations apply in case you require support.

  • Licensing
  • Product lifecycle policy

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