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  • Working with Task Mining
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Task Mining

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Nov 11, 2024

Working with the client app

The Client App can be accessed by the users who received an invitation to participate in the discovery process and downloaded it. It's used to facilitate the recording process management and other specific information that the users might need.

To access it click the icon displayed on the lower left-hand corner of the screen.

  • Recording Consent

    A message informing you about the recording process and requesting your consent before gathering the data may be displayed if this is set up by the Admin. For details check the Data Collection Policies page.

  • Accept - confirm that you agree with the recording flow and its terms and conditions.

    • The recording process is immediately started.
    • Your status is updated to Recording in the Admin Console.
  • Decline - deny to provide your agreement towards the recording flow and its terms and conditions.

    • The initial Almost Ready! message is displayed.
    • Your status is updated to Pending - No Consent in the Admin Console.
  • Link to the Employer Privacy Policy - access the Employer Privacy Policy to get more information about the recording process, what your input is, and what happens to the recorded data.

    • A warning message is displayed if the OS you are running is not supported. Access this page for details about the system requirements.

Once the Client App pop up is displayed you have the following information and options:

The main page

  • The status of the Client App: this can be either Stopped or Started and can be changed only by the Company Admin from the Admin Console.
  • The Pause option: use it to pause the recording for a maximum of 1 hour.
  • The Settings icon displayed as a gear symbol allows you to access the following options:


The Settings view contains the following options allowing each user to set up their preferences:

Recorded apps

A list of the apps set up by the Company Admin to be recorded. These applications cannot be deleted.

By clicking Add App you can add only to your recording process other applications that you think are relevant. The added application is added to the allow list automatically only for you. To make it available for the entire organization, the Company Admin needs to add it to the generic Recorded Applications list.

You can delete only the applications you added and that have not been moved by the Company Admin to the Recorded Applications list.

My progress

Access this section to check the following:

  • Recording status: recording time, the data volume that has been recorded, number of screenshots, the status of recording.
  • Processing status: how many actions out of the total amount of recorded data have been processed.
  • Uploading Status: how many actions out of the total amount of processed data have been uploaded (if Continuous option was selected in Output configuration).

Note: Users should make sure that the desktop is plugged in during the recording. There is a possibility of data loss due to power shut down.


Access the Proxy menu if you need to customize the proxy settings and facilitate the recording process to be initiated. Check out the Configuring the Proxy page for step by step guidance.


Check the Program name, its Version, and your Username,Organization, and Tenant. Also, you can Open the Logs folder if needed for troubleshooting and Logout from the Client App.

Show control panel switch

You can enable or disable the control panel display during the recording session.

Recording data

The data is recorded by each invited user with the help of the Client App. This local application is installed on each user's machine and facilitates the recording process management.

The entire process is set up, started, and managed by the Company Admin in the Admin Console. After Installing the Client App you can continue working on your tasks as usual. Once it's started, the recording process is designed to work on the background and be as subtle as possible to not interrupt or disturb you in any way.

If enabled, you will see the Control Panel pop-up icon displayed on the right-hand side of the accessed pages/windows. As Task Mining is designed to capture the steps you make in certain applications the Control Panel icon will indicate this through a message and its color:

Warning: It is not recommended to have UiPath Studio open and running while using the Task Mining application.
  • If the icon is green it signifies that the application is being recorded.

  • If the icon is grey it signifies that the application is not being recorded. This is caused by the fact that the application was not added to the allow list.

You can use the plus icon to set an application in the Allow List and add it to the Requested Applications list.

When a browser page, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera is captured, the URL where the interaction occurs is also recorded to the CSV file as ‘BrowserURL’ property. This contains the full path of the page captured.

Restarting application

To restart the Task Mining application, complete the following steps:

  1. Open Windows system tray
  2. Right-click on the Queue icon and select 'Close Queue'

  3. Right-click on the Recorder application and select 'Exit'

  4. Launch the Task Mining application via a shortcut on your desktop or search for it via the Windows search function.

  • The main page
  • Settings
  • Recorded apps
  • My progress
  • Proxy
  • About
  • Show control panel switch
  • Recording data
  • Restarting application

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