Task Mining
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Jul 18, 2024

Task Mining home portal

From the Task Mining Home portal, you can complete the following actions:

  • Browse through your existing projects of Assisted and Unassisted Task Mining types, search filter, and sort according to your needs.
  • Create a new project. This is available only for users with Admin or Project creator roles.
From the Projects page in the Task Mining Projects portal, you can start new projects, and it is the storage space for your projects.

As the Company Admin or Project Creator, you can create multiple discovery initiatives by selecting the Start new project option.

Project cards

For each project, a project card is displayed in the Task Mining Projects Portal. A project card contains information about the project and the project status.

Below is an overview of the generic elements of a project card.



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Indication whether the project is selected as a Favorite.

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The name of the project.

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The date on which the project was created.

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The (number of) users involved in the project.


You can hover over a user icon to to see the user name and project role.

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A button that enables you to open a context menu with several actions.

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A button that enables you to open the linked Automation Hub idea in Automation Hub.


The Automation Hub button is only visible when there is a linked Automation Hub idea for the project.

UTM project card

Below is an example of a project card for an Unassisted Task Mining project.

Below is a description of the elements of an UTM project card.



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The status of the UTM project.

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A status bar indicating the relative amount of recorders user's actions for the UTM project.

ATM project card

Below is an example of a card for an Assisted Task Mining project.

Below is a description of the elements of an ATM project card.



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Displays the number of traces captured for the ATM project, along with the lowest and highest number of actions for a trace.

Project status

The project status is set automatically and shows the latest status of the actions in the project flow. For example, if you complete analysis and then start recording again, the status Recording will be displayed.

Below is an overview of the available project statuses.



Not started

The project is not started.


One or more users are recording for the project.

Recording stopped

Recording stopped for all users of the project.

Recording error*

A user in the project has an error in recording.

Analysis in progress

An project analysis is running.

Analysis complete

The AI pipeline is completed and the results of the analysis are populated.

Analysis failed

The project analysis has failed.

Task review**

User is reviewing tasks


Project is completed


Project is archived

*) If one recording user has a recording error, the project status will be set to Recording error while other users are recording normally. As a project administrator, you can still run analysis for a project with recording error. In that case, the status will show Analysis in progress.

**) This status can be set manually. See Editing a project.


For Assisted Task Mining projects, only the following statuses are available:

  • Not started

  • Task review

  • Completed

  • Archived

  • Project cards
  • UTM project card
  • ATM project card
  • Project status

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