Studio Web User Guide
Last updated Sep 2, 2024

Prerequisites for using Studio Web

Before Studio Web can be used in an organization, administrators must make sure that:

  • The organization is using named user licenses. If your organization is using the multiuser (concurrent) license model and you want to use Studio Web, contact UiPath® to switch to the named user model.
  • User license management is enabled for the organization (not applicable to the Community plan).
  • The following services are enabled for the tenant: Orchestrator, Integration Service.
  • Personal workspaces are enabled at user or group level.
  • Running personal automations is enabled at user or group level.
  • In the Orchestrator tenant settings, the option Automatically configure Serverless machines in Personal Workspace for Studio Web users is selected. If this setting is not selected or the serverless service is disabled on the tenant, users cannot run and publish projects.

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