Studio Web User Guide
Last updated Sep 2, 2024

Managing access to Studio Web

Studio Web uses role-based access control. The following roles are available:

  • Studio Web Administrator enables users to:
    • Design, run, and publish projects, start and manage published automations.
    • Manage roles.
    • Author templates.
    • Access any project in the organization in read-only mode from Automation Ops, including projects that are not shared with or created by the user.
    • Enable Studio Web in the organization.
  • Studio Web Contributor enables users to:
    • Design, run, and publish projects, start and manage published automations.
  • Organization Template Author enables users to:
    • Design, run, and publish projects, start and manage published automations.
    • Author templates.
Note: The Studio Web Contributor role is assigned to all the default user groups, including the Everyone user group that includes all the users invited to an Automation Cloud organization. If you don't want everyone to have access to Studio Web, remove the role assignment for the group.

Managing role assignments

Administrators can manage role assignments at user or group level.

To view and manage role assignments:

  1. In Automation Cloud, select Studio from the left-side menu.
  2. On the upper-right side of any Studio page, select docs image > Manage access.

    The Manage access page opens and displays a table with current user and group role assignments. You can search in the list of assignments and filter by role.

Assigning roles

  1. On the Manage access page:
    • To edit current role assignments for a user or group, click the pencil button on the right side of that user or group.
    • To assign roles to a new user or group, select Assign roles above the table that displays current assignments.
  2. In the Assign roles window,
    • If you are assigning roles to a new user or group, select the user or group. Start typing names or email addresses to find matches from the organization.
    • Select which roles to assign.
  3. Click Save.

Deleting role assignments

On the Manage access page, click the Delete button on the right side of a user of group, and then select Delete again in the confirmation dialog.

  • Managing role assignments
  • Assigning roles
  • Deleting role assignments

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