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Orchestrator user guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Mar 5, 2025

Event triggers

Event triggers represent the starting point of an automation, based on the occurrence of an external event, such as a new email arriving in your Outlook inbox. The events, filters, and connections available for trigger configuration are displayed in Integration Service.

Event triggers can be created either in Integration Service, or at design-time in Studio.

An event trigger consists of:

  • a connector - the external application integrated in UiPath system (for example, Microsoft Outlook 365).

  • the connection - the authenticated user instance of the connector (for example, John.Smith@outlook.com).

  • the trigger activity - the activity that starts the automation (for example, When a New Email Arrives).

  • activity filters - filters used to add specificity for the trigger execution (for example, the "Paychecks" inbox folder of John Smith).

    Note: The available filter values depend on the selected connection.

Roles and permissions for event triggers

To create or edit an event trigger, you need the following permissions:


Permission Set


ViewConnectionsAllows you to see the list of available connections you can configure for your event trigger.

You also need to be assigned to the folder the connection resides in.

ViewResource overwritesAllows you to use the connection you want instead of the connection used originally in the workflow.

As a user, you can see what the admin configured for you.

EditResource overwritesAllows you to edit the connection configuration for a specific user.

As an admin, you can set a specific connection for a specific user.

CreateResource overwritesAllows you to configure the connection for a specific user.

For example, when you want to create custom user configurations for a process, or manage user event triggers.

DeleteResource overwritesAllows you to delete a user-specific event trigger configuration.

Event triggers created using UiPath Activities

Event triggers can also be created by RPA developers at design-time in Studio, using Integration Services trigger activities, such as the When New Email Arrives activity of the UiPath.MicrosoftOffice365.Activities.

Orchestrator identifies these types of triggers as package requirements, and the only way to add them in Orchestrator is from the Package Requirements page.

Any configuration set at design-time is reflected in Orchestrator and cannot be modified.

For example: Say you have an automation that automatically uploads attachments received in your "Paychecks" Outlook folder to your Google Drive "2023" folder. In this case:

  • the Microsoft Outlook 365 connection is your Outlook account and the recipient of the emails.

  • the event trigger activity is the mail arriving in your inbox.

  • the filter applied to the event trigger is folder "Paychecks" in your inbox.

  • the activity that downloads all new attachments in folder "Paychecks" operates for the same Microsoft Outlook 365 connection used to receive the emails. Orchestrator does not display this activity (Download Email Attachments), as it does not have any filters that can be overwritten. For it, the filters set by the RPA developer are final.

  • the Google Drive connection is your Google account and the recipient of the attachment uploads.

  • the filter applied to the uploading activity is the "2023" folder in Google Drive.

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