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Last updated Sep 4, 2024

Processes (Embedded)


The Processes (Embedded) template displays an overview of status and execution details of jobs executed through Orchestrator and Assistant. This can also be viewed in the Orchestrator monitoring experience, under the Historical tab.


There are three filters available from where you can specify the End date, Folder, and Process name.

To use any of the filters, select the desired filter and pick one of the options available from the drop-down list. Select Refresh and the requested data is displayed. A time-stamp also shows you when data was last updated.


Metrics and description

Job ran

View the number of jobs that have been executed.

Success rate

View the percentage of jobs that have completed successfully.

Average processing time

View the average processing time in minutes of jobs that have been executed.

Completed jobs

View the jobs that have completed successfully, faulted or stopped, by days.

Processes with the most failures

View the processes that caused most failures.
Jobs failures by reasonView the reason of failed jobs. You have data for:
  • Number of Errors
  • Total Numbers
  • Faulted Rate
  • Process Exception Reason
  • Machine
  • Process Name
Process detailsView details of specific process. You have data for:
  • Process Name
  • Faulted Jobs
  • Successful Jobs
  • Average Duration
  • Median Duration
  • Overview
  • Metrics

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