Document Understanding User Guide
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Aug 14, 2024

Use the Framework

As a Studio workflow, you could use the Document Understanding Process.

Use Form Extractor, Intelligent Form Extractor, and Intelligent Keyword Classifier

Double click the workflow in the framework, and replace the endpoint per instruction here and add the Document Understanding license key.

  • Endpoint: the public URL from Access to the models
  • ApiKey: copy it from Automation Suite (Admin > Licenses > Robot & Services > Document Understanding)

Run the workflow. The robot will process the documents one by one. When the Validation Station pops up, click OK to test if the workflow is running properly.

Use Custom Machine Learning Extractor

Double click the workflow in the framework and replace the endpoint with the public ML Skill endpoint from the deployed ML package following the instruction here and add the Document Understanding license key.

  • Endpoint: the public ML Skill endpoint from Deploy an out-of-the-box ML Package
  • ApiKey: copy it from Automation Suite (Admin > Licenses > Robot & Services > Document Understanding)

Run the workflow. The robot will process the documents one by one. When the Validation Station pops up, click OK to test if the workflow is running properly.

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