Document Understanding User Guide
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Aug 14, 2024

Search Documents

The search box has two functionalities:

  • filter the document using keywords
  • search for specific text in the content of the imported documents

Predefined Keywords

There are seven predefined keywords, namely:

  • train-validate-set
  • train-set
  • evaluation-set
  • validate-set
  • deleted
  • labelled
  • unlabelled

Besides these predefined keywords, you can also filter based on named batches depending on how many batches you imported into Data Manager:

  • batch:<batch_name_1>
  • batch:<batch_name_2>
  • etc.

Search/filter Scenarios

  • You can search using one word of text: only the documents containing that specific word are displayed.
  • You can search using more than one word of text: only the documents containing those specific words, one after another, are displayed.
    Note: The search is case-insensitive.
  • You can filter using a keyword: for instance, if you select labelled, only the labeled documents are displayed
  • You can filter using more than one keyword: for instance, if you select labelled and train-set, only the labeled documents marked as trained are displayed. The order in which the keywords appear does not matter.
  • You can also combine text with keywords: for instance, if you type payment and labelled, only the labeled documents containing this specific word are displayed.
    Important: You cannot text search using keywords.
  • Predefined Keywords
  • Search/filter Scenarios

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