Document Understanding User Guide
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Aug 14, 2024

Data Consumption Overview

What Is Data Consumption

Once you validate the extracted data, you can use it as it is or export it as a DataSet variable using the Export Extraction Results activity.
The variable can be later saved into a DataTable format, so you can export it to whatever environment you need in order to consume it.

When Data Consumption Should Be Used

For instance, you can easily convert the values into an Excel file, further process the data in Queues and then perform data entry into an Enterprise Resource Planning tool.

How to Use the Data Consumption Component

Taking this into account, the Export Extraction Results activity can be used with:

  • Automatic extraction results output of the Data Extraction Scope - for RPA-based validation purposes, this is an excellent alternative of accessing the extracted data.

    Note: Make sure to set the IncludeConfidence flag to True.
  • Confirmed extraction results output of the Present Validation Station - for downstream usage purposes, this is a straightforward means of accessing the actual values extracted through the Document Understanding framework.
  • What Is Data Consumption
  • When Data Consumption Should Be Used
  • How to Use the Data Consumption Component

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